May 03, 2007 16:12


Here's how this will hopefully play out: if a character is meeting POST requirements [presently, a minimum of two posts / month] but repeatedly failing to deliver tags, and absenting long enough to prevent any sort of plots, you can leave a note here. We expect and would appreciate it if this function were not abused: please try to talk things out with the player in question, and do keep in mind that hiatusing is also inevitable throughout gameplay.

We will undertake investigations based on these notes, and discuss matters with players whose tagging / comment / plotting inactivity is a definite impediment for crew / game development. We will however also be looking out for potential grudges and will definitely ask if you've tried dealing with the issue on your own.

Players who have not officially dropped a character but have actively removed all association with polychromatic [such as defriended all other characters, removed communities, locked all poly-related entries, etc.] from the character journal they use in the game will be considered to have dropped this character from POLYchromatic. The character will be made appable immediately. Those who have had their character removed for this reason will not have the option to repick; they must re-apply for the character. Depending on the time lapsed since and/or circumstances surrounding the removal, we may or may not allow a re-application at our discretion. -- We are not actively monitoring every player's journal for this offense. We will take action only if a member of the community reports it to us.

Comments are not crew (all players can comment on all players); comments screened; anonymous comments not accepted.

Go HERE for information on Activity Expectations.

[inactive character / player]:
[series of inactive character]:
[nature of complaints / what you've noticed insofar]:
[do you play someone in the crew?]:
[have you addressed the issue with the player?]:
[have you had to issue an inactivity complaint against this player beforehand?]:
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