May 05, 2006 21:08

(n.) a state in which a citizen no longer has a heartbeat or normal body temperature but maintains regular brain activity

Who is considered City!Dead?
A character who comes to the game after dying in their own canon is City!Dead. A character who dies in the game (with the exception of curse days) is City!Dead.

How does City!Death work?
Once a character dies, their body remains lifeless for 24 hours. After that 24 hour period, the character is allowed to "come back to life" as City!Dead.

Bodies can be moved within that 24 hour period, but a body can reanimate only after 24 hours. If a body has been completely vaporized, the body will simply come into existence at any location the player chooses, preferably a location important to the character or a location related to where they died.

If a body has been mutilated or dismembered, a player is free to decide what wounds the character keeps as City!Dead and what wounds can be healed or surgically corrected. For example, if a character has their hand severed before death, the player can choose to have the character remain handless or have the hand surgically reattached. It doesn't matter how soon after death the hand is reattached but to keep things realistic a good guide is no more than 72 hours after death. Characters with the ability to regenerate can regenerate the hand at will, anytime they choose.

Scars are optional and left up to player discretion.

What can City!Dead do?
♦ they can eat and breathe out of natural habit, but food and air aren't completely essential to their survival anymore
♦ they can heal physical damage after City!Death within their own canon boundaries [for regular mortals a papercut will heal without issue, but a severed leg will require surgery]
♦ they can keep any powers they had prior to dying
♦ they can donate blood and organs to other City!Dead characters
♦ they cannot donate blood and organs to live characters
♦ they cannot age once they've become City!Dead
♦ they cannot go back to their homeworld once they are City!Dead [this is a game mechanic and has no bearing on players who wish to drop characters]
♦ they can trade to get their life back, trades made by other characters for a dead one are also accepted

What is the Death Exemption for curses?
On some curse days death will be inevitable. The Titanic Curse or SAW Trap Curse are prime examples. On such curse days, characters who die because of the curse will not become City!Dead. They are allowed to return to normal once the curse is over. Characters coming back to life can do so in the same way a City!Dead body reanimates (at the location in which they died or in a location important to them). These characters would come back to life fully healed as well regardless of the severity of the curse.

Some curses that cause changes in a character's behavior, like turning a sweet character into a murderous one, will also lead to death. This does not fall under the death exemption and any character who dies at the hand of the murderous character (or the murderous character itself) will be considered City!Dead. The players involved must follow the City!Dead guidelines.

Many Citywide Events will also have death exemptions. We will do our best to clearly label which curses and events have death exemptions and which don't.

Can a character die through a character drop?
Yes. However, a character who dies then is dropped by a player cannot leave any trace of a body. If the method of death doesn't completely destroy the body then the body itself will simply fade into non-existence within 24 hours.

If characters can't truly die, then why does the City have a graveyard?
While the option for City!Death remains, not all "citizens" come back to life. NPCs are killed regularly and it's believed that they do not come back to life. A character who dies in conjunction with a character drop does not come back to life after 24 hours. This leads to a case of ambiguity that characters can react to ICly. Although we as players understand how death works in the City, our characters do not. This helps to maintain a sense of realism during play without sacrificing gameplay flexibility.
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