Title: The Flying Heart of Love 18/19
Rating: Pgish, sort of. Maybe not.
Characters: In this chapter, Manu, Miguel, Francis, Gilbert, Antonio, Henrique, Maddie, Alfred and Arthur. Lots of PECHI in this one.
Warnings: This is an AU, so you'll have to ignore everything you know about family relations and things from what passes for canon at Latin
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Comments 6
Happy B-day Ber ;)
thank you, darling ♥♥♥
E quem é que acreditaria que um bebê ia comer um relógio de pulso, Henrique pls. Nem vou fazer a piadinha de português obrigatória porque a gente quer melhorar a relação entre os povos, e o Port é sensível. OwO
Mas mas A NOVELA TÁ ACABANDO ;A; Ao mesmo tempo que eu quero que chegue no fim pra tudo se resolver e haverem besos, eu não quero que acabe porque saudades ;aaaaaa; Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go ;A;
(...) there was a shot that made everyone jump and raised a chorus of manly shrieking, and then Gilbert cursed, the gun literally shot out of his grip, and then they all saw Arthur Kirkland standing at the door.
ou algo assim
O Henrique é bom em mtas coisas, mas deduzir coisas não é uma delas :3 se o Lulu não fosse um pequeno bebezinho na época ele poderia ter explicado tudo e evitado essa confusão. maybe. troll desde bebê \o/
e sim D: last chapter omg. Nem acredito. terei q escolher a música final vai ser love by grace, o lulu gosta dessa /shot
esse foi o momento RULE BRITANNIA pq why not. Alguém ai tinha q saber o q está fazendo.
/licks ur face
… How on Earth would a baby eat a watch omg AND EVEN IF THEY THOUGHT HE DID, THEY SHOULD HAD TAKEN THE POOR THING TO HOSPITAL, WHERE THE DOCTORS WOULD TELL THEM THERE WAS NO DAMN WATCH IN THE KID’S TUMMY D: What kind of parents are they, how did they even expected Manuel to poop it out later?
Awwwwww Manu finally met Antonio TTvTT It must have been kind of hard for him to have Antonio and Arthur sharing a room. Now he needs to meet his mommy too!
So… Arthur was chasing Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio because they stole a whole lot of money from him? Cool :D
heeeey it made sense to them at the time. Kind of. Living a criminal life eats the brain :3 now Manu will facepalm forever and never let them forget about it and he'll get in a bad mood every time he remembers.
the Italian Mommy will attack show up soon \o/ and yes, Arthur never forgets, and never forgives. NEVER. At least when it comes to his fortune.
thank you for commenting ♥♥♥
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