Title: Best Fucking Friends
thecheesecowPairing: Bert/Gerard
Rating: R?
POV: first, Gerard's
Disclaimer: I made it up. :P
Summary: And after 7 handjobs, 5 blow jobs and two months, I let you fuck me.
The first thing I noticed about you was how big your head was. I was out of my mind drunk and you were surrounded by girls. I don't remember who introduced us, but i remember what you said to me.
"I saw your show last night," one of the girls was rubbing your thigh, I was trying not to blush, "Nice job, man. You're one sexy asshole." It wasn't worth trying anymore. Maybe your shoulders were just small.
I don't remember how long we talked, but I remember how much sexier you seemed with every word. I don't remember how many times you kissed me, but I remember you being more beautiful every time I opened my eyes. I don't remember how much time it took for you to get your hands down my pants, but I remembered it felt good. It felt so fucking good.
And after 7 handjobs, 5 blow jobs and two months, I let you fuck me. And after 23 handjobs, 60 blowjobs, 27 fucks and the best summer of my life you told me that we were "best fucking friends."
Everyone was your best fucking friend. It didn't matter, though, because we seemed to fit so perfectly while we lasted. You'd fuck groupies, and Quinn, and me, and god knows who else, but that never mattered. What mattered were the nights I spent with you in my arms, giggling and babbling in our after-sex glow, and the way you listened to me when I'd ramble about things I knew you thought were boring, and the way you said I looked sexy no matter what I was wearing or how ugly I knew I looked. Maybe it was the way I longed for the way you tasted, even if you often tasted like vomit.
I still miss your taste, and I never feel as sexy anymore. I'm sorry we were both too proud to work out stupid, meaningless issues, and I'm sorry I wasn't the first one to apologize. Most of all, though, I'm sorry I'll never admit that I'd still like to be your best fucking friend.
NOTE: this story was inspired by the song
Paper Scars by Lovedrug.