Okay, so I think I'm a little obbsessed... In a totally heathy way, I promise. It is now roughly 12 hours since I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and now I am onto Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Man, I can't get enough o harry and his shinnanigans. Blowing up Aunt marge has got t be one the most comical things that has ever happened in the wrld of Harry Potter. Well, that and when Moody turns Malfoy into a Ferret in The Goblet of Fire.
You gotta love Aunt Marge.
Can you tell that this post is dedicated to my love for Harry Potter?
I Love it. Everything about it.
The books before the movies of course.
But I love it all.
Man, it's amazing.
Rowling is a brilliant author with an unbelievable imagination. Seriously, the characters, the themes, Dumbledore.. oh my god, Dumbledore, is there any kind of fictional character better than him? Obviously not.
But I think that my most favourite part of the series is that no matter how many times you read the books, there is always something new to discover about them. Some little interesting tidbit that you missed the last time, or somesort of foreshading information that you failed to catch.
All in all, I think it's safe to say the following: