
Aug 04, 2010 21:35

Alrighty, I just wanted to give an update on my life.  The following hs happened since I last updated:

Nothing.  That's it.  Well, actually, that's a lie.  Things have happened.  An update between me and the older man in my life?  Well, nothing really new on that front.  We both know how we feel and what we are, but nothing is ever going to happen.  People are worried (aka my friends) but they jkust don't understand our relationship. We understand the boundaries, and yes I can understand why people would make assumptions, but until you know the facts, please don't judge.  Okay, thanks.

Another thing that's new about me: Acne.  Like WtF?!  I have never before in my life had this big of a problem with acne before.  I mean, it's quite tame compared to other people, but I used to be that girl in High school that other girls were jealous of because I had nice and clear skin.  Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I can do?  I just want to clear it up.  It's all over my forehead, and it's really annoying, considering people have to look at 6 days out of the week when I have to pull my hair back for soccer.  Any suggestions/ remedies would be great.

Also, I am tanned.  Like, "She used to be white and now she's not"  Especially on my legs.  Seriously, it's kinda ridiculous.  I mean, it looks like I'm wearing a skin coloured pair of shorts.  Or, if you look at it the other way, it looks like someone dipped my legs into dark brown paint.  I'll post a picture soon, I think.

Well,  I'm going to go back to watching SHARK WEEK!

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