friends cut

Mar 19, 2008 10:44

So, i made an flist cut. It was only really tiny, i just cut those people whose entries i don't read/comment on, who never comment on my entries, and who didn't comment on my 'i enjoy being a lurker, please leave me on your flist' post. If i cut you and you didn't want to be cut, please comment here and i'll add you back. This wasn't a malicious ( Read more... )

friends cut, admin, public

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Comments 4

lexie_b March 19 2008, 00:58:23 UTC
:raises hand: I am so sorry, I never saw the previous post, and would like to stay, if it's not a bother :)


bertiebob March 19 2008, 01:03:30 UTC
Sure sure, thanks for letting me know :)

Actually, you're one of the people i always read but hardly ever comment on. *lol* And i really should. And will, from now on. So, expect random comments ;)


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bertiebob March 19 2008, 13:35:01 UTC
Next comes ... my wardrobe. *shudder*


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bertiebob March 22 2008, 11:18:46 UTC
My WIR is so big, i'm paranoid that if i don't clean it things are going to take up residence in there :S

Your philosophy goes for any other space in my room, however - especially desk drawers. *lol*


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