Q and A Time

Sep 17, 2007 15:52

Because I was tagged by the lovely cuter-than-you,

SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter of your first name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things -NOTHING made up! Try to use different answers. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: It starts with L

Vehicle: Lotus (oooh yeah)

TV Show: The Late Show with David Letterman

City: Las Vegas

Boy Name: Lloyd

Girl Name: Lucy

Beverage: Lemonade

Occupation: Liaison

Flower: Lotus :)

Something you wear: Lycra

Celebrity: Lawrence Welk

Something found in a kitchen: Limes

Reason for Being Late: Lazy

Something you shout: Look out!

A color: Lilac

Vacation spot: Laos

Major company: Linux

And because it was too funny not to share,

1. Go to Career Cruising: www.careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results.

1. Petroleum Engineer
Uhh... wha? I can only imagine that this might make a lot of money.

2. Environmental Engineer

3. Chemical Engineer

4. Mining Engineer

5. Sprinkler System Installer

6. Steamfitter

7. Naturopath
Wouldn't the philosophy here be the polar opposite of that of a petroleum engineer?

8. Electrical Engineer

9. Paramedic

10. Oceanographer
Now this I could do.

Annd 27. Vending Machine Servicer
Talk about rewarding careers.

I tag sakurapetal. :)
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