ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts

May 20, 2005 15:46

[X]Name: jill
[X]Age: 15
[X]Gender: female
[X]Location: fort collins, colorado
[X]How you heard about us: lara, mi amiga

Post at least 2 clear shots of your face, but no more than 5. Also, no nude photos in your app.

[X]Nine things you couldn't live without and why (excluding the basic air, water, food, shelter, etc.)
~ music- if it weren't for music to help me, i'd be depressed an throw myself of a cliff
~ dreams- dreams are bliss, and without dreams life would be extremely dull, probably pointless to me, because i definently prefer sleep to being awake
~ ibuprofen- pain sucks, it helps. It works for all kinds of physical pain
~ shoes- if i couldnt walk places, i would be sad, because it hurts my feet to walk on rocks
~ humour/jokes- help me through the cesspool of daily life
~ friends- what is the point of living without social contact with people that you tolerate, even enjoy being around?
~toothpaste- bad breath is sad. I am really self concious when it comes to my breath.
~ headphones instead of earbuds- earbuds are pure evil. Headphones don't fall off my head.
~ my cats- they understand me
[X]Seven greatest bands of all time.(In my opinion)
>the beatles
>jimmy eat world
>bright eyes
>deathcab for cutie
>the faint
>modest mouse
[X]Five coolest movies ever made.
*donnie darko
*the matrix
*the faculty
*bubble boy
[X]Three most important qualities in a person and why.
+honesty- if you can't trust someone, why talk to them? If you are constantly suspicious of someone's motives because they have been dishonest, it isn't possible to have a serious conversation with them.
+sympathy- i think that people being nice and friendly has to do with trying to understand others. If people wouldn't make an effort to relate to people who aren't themselves, it would be an extremely cruel world
+originality- It may sound cliche, but everyone is different in their own way. If someone trys to be exactly like someone else (being influenced by someone is different), they wouldn't be worth talking to, because they wouldn't know what to say when they try to think for themselves
[X]Most important person in history and why.
~: that guy in china who invented the first block print- if it wasn't for literature, would society have progressed as far as it has? We wouldn't have ways to mass produce literature and spread technology and culture. We wouldn't have cars, the internet, and even modern music without the development of manuals.

[X]War: should always be a last resort, usually not necessary. In certain cases, such as the civil war and WWII it seems to be the last resort, but usually (such as Vietnam and Iraq) it isn't needed.
[X]Abortion: i wouldn't have one personally, but what works for me isnt best for everyone. If a women can't make the choice, is she responsible enough to raise a child? Can a women control another human's life if she can't make a decision for herself. I don't think abortion should be used as birth control (multiple abortions)
[X]Iraq: uneccessary, I think it was more to prove a point than to stop "terrorism" (which it seemed to generate, too). I think that it was more for personal gain than to protect America.
[X]Death Penalty: Who are we to judge who should live and die, I personally think that solitary confinement is a worse punishment for 'evil' people. Personally, I would rather die than live all alone with the guilt of a (presumably) horrible crime resting in my mind for the rest of my life.
[X]Religion: whatever works best for whoever (and their morals), it is a personal choice and should be strictly personal. I don't think anything/one should have an influence over what religion a person choses, because that would take away a certain aspect of the religion
[X]Euthanasia (animal and human): usually the most humane option, especially in cases like Terry Schiavo. If something is suffering (human or nonhuman) it should be able to end the pain and pass peacefully
[X]Gay Marriage: should mos def be legal. Love shouldn't have boundries.

[X]Favorite ice cream flavor? green tea
[X]Tell a joke: *new and improved* What do you call a parrot that doesn't eat?

[X]Write a fucking haiku. Pronto:

I was beautiful

loved me like i love you

but then i woke up

[X]What's most important to you? sleep
[X]Tell us about your future: i will die, that is the only certain thing in my future. Every single thing in my life could be changed in one instant, so I really have no clue about my future, and would rather not think about it
[X]If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? I would want to be able to swim as long and as deep as I want without drowning. I probably feel happiest when I am in the ocean (yet I lived in landlocked colorado), and I think it would be exciting to swim with all the animals and explore one of the last frontiers
[X] Promote us somewhere. Now prove it. http://www.livejournal.com/community/atnw/64901.html?mode=reply
[X] Post a picture that embodies you and would convince us to let you in.

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