Title: Pin the Tail on the Chimera and Other Disasters
Rating: G
Ship: Sheldon/Penny
Warnings: None
Word Count: 214
Notes: Written for the prompt
"pin the tail on the biologically impossible mythical creature" at
Penny, your whimsical attempt at a party game while thoughtful, is completely misguided. This entire fete is misguided, but your ungodly creation of ‘pin the tail on the chimera’ stands out among the disasters of the evening.
I hope that you know that chimeras do not exist. This explains why you found it impossible to find a premade ‘pin the tail on the chimera’ game, and instead were forced to cobble together several other paper animals. I hope that you realize that is not even a goat, Penny. That is, identifiably, a zebra. A chimera is composed of the head of a lion, the head and body of a goat, and a serpent. Nowhere in that list is there a zebra.
A chimera is a mythological creature, Penny. Were it to exist, you could not pin a tail on it. A chimera does not possess a tail, but instead has a serpent extending from the end of its spine. Ignoring that the chimera is biologically impossible, there is no logical place for a tail.
No, it would not have been better if instead of the lion’s tail, you had provided a rubber snake.
Despite all of the inaccuracies in your contribution to this party has been the most enjoyable portion of it.
Thank you.
Title: The Old Apartment
Rating: G
Ship: Sheldon/Penny
Warnings: None
Word Count: 255
Notes: Written for the prompt
"the end of an era" at
The movers came and picked up the last of the things from the old apartment on Tuesday. Leonard and Sheldon came back to do a final walk-through on Wednesday, and Penny tagged along. She had had to drive Sheldon there anyhow, and didn’t see the point in going somewhere else to wait for him to finish up.
They walked through the apartment making a list of all of the damages, and checking that everything had been removed. There was nothing much of note on the list; just a few dings in the wall and some discoloration on the bedroom ceiling in Leonard’s room from flooding in the apartment overhead.
When they finished checking things over, Leonard went down to give the landlady the paperwork and to have her check the apartment and take their keys. There was no particularly good place for them to wait, so Sheldon stood by the window and looked out into the streets.
“It’s the end of an era, huh?” Penny asked as she emerged from one of the bedrooms. She had been wandering in and out of each of the rooms, seemingly trying to soak up the memories while she could.
“This is just an apartment, Penny.”
“But it was you guys’ apartment. We ate a lot of Chinese food here and watched a lot of crappy TV. Now, we’ll never do it again.”
“We can certainly continue to eat Chinese food and watch what I, and many other people, consider good television.”
“But we won’t do it here, Sheldon.”