A copy of Bess's app is under here.. I guess I'll make this my official backstory post, too. :D
Name (or alias): Kristi
spidezAIM SN: Optional: Miko Kristi
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Bess Irene Baker
bess_bakerPlayed By: Britt McKillip
Birthdate: March 19th, 1992
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Wand: 8 3/4" Alder with unicorn hair
Blood: Half-blood
Birthplace: Tuam, Ireland
Location: Tuam, Ireland
Status or Class: Middle Class
Race/Culture/Religion: White/Agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Bernard Baker/40/floo worker
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Wanda Baker/40/seamstress
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Jebediah Baker/16/Student, Ben Baker/15/Student, and another older sibling (who's unplayed for now).
Pet Name/Species: Jerkwad / Barn Owl
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: P
Charms: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: D
Potions: P
Transfiguration: A
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Muggle Studies: E
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A
10 Words to describe your character: energetic, forgetful, eccentric, gullible, talkative, tomboy, honest, oblivious, accepting, uncouth
Personality: Bess is an energetic person -- she likes to be outside and active; one of her favorite hobbies is playing football. Her style of dress is plain; when at home, she always wears jeans and a t-shirt, and dislikes skirts and dresses. When she isn't out being active, she absorbs herself in tabloid magazines, both Muggle and magical alike, and believes nearly every word written in them. Because of this, she has some bizarre beliefs, and is given to believe in conspiracy theories, even of the wildest sort. Proper manners and etiquette are things she places little importance in, and she couldn't care less if someone is offended by her belching loudly in public, or her blowing her nose on her shirt sleeve. Though she's not the type to approach strangers, she loves to talk, rambling on to anyone who'll listen. She'll often say the first thing that pops into her head, even if it's not a nice thought; if she likes the person enough, however, she will apologize if she upsets them. Most of the time, she's easygoing and doesn't get mad all that much.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Magical: Bess is the type of student who would rather be out doing something, rather than sitting in a class all day and taking notes. For that reason, she does well in Care of Magical Creatures, which is the only class she really excels in. She's above average in Muggle Studies, but that's because she has Muggle lineage and wanted to take a class that would be easy for her. She enjoys DADA, but sometimes struggles in it.
Personality: She's enthusiastic about activities which she does well in, and dedicates herself to becoming better in them. If she's insulted, she doesn't let it get her down -- any personal attacks roll right off her shoulders, because she doesn't obsess over what people think of her. It takes a lot for her to get upset or angry, and even when she does, she bounces back relatively quickly. Bess is willing to talk to just anyone, and isn't all that judgmental, so she doesn't hold grudges unless the person has repeatedly wronged her. She can give honest opinions when they're asked for, and is open with her emotions -- when she's upset or frustrated, she doesn't have trouble talking about it.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Magical: Bess is an average to below average student, standing out in only one class. Her forgetfulness works against her, as she'll sometimes forget the proper incantation, the proper wand movement, and so on. This is particularly bad in History of Magic, which requires a lot of date memorization -- she can't get them right for the life of her. In other classes, she has to fight and persist, just to get an A, though she'll get really frustrated in the process.
Personality: She's absentminded and forgets things a lot -- she's horrible at remembering birthdays and other important dates, and has often been late to class because she forgot to bring the correct book with her. Bess is also easily misled and gullible; if a convincing enough argument (and really, she doesn't need much convincing) is presented to her, she'll believe it without hesitation and without ever questioning it. Oftentimes, she has a hard time taking things seriously -- she fails to realize the seriousness of a situation until it personally affects her, and even then, she doesn't always take it seriously. Bess is bad at reading others' feelings and motives, and needs people to spell out why they're upset.
Fears: Failing all her OWLs. Though she isn't bothered by what other people think of her, she does care about what her family thinks, and is afraid she'll be considered a disappointment to her parents.
History: Bess has had a pretty much normal home life, and is the youngest of four. Her parents, Bernard (a half-blood), and Wanda (a Muggleborn), met while at Hogwarts together, and married soon after they left school. They then found a house in a middle class neighborhood and, for a few years, they lived there together with their children. When Wanda's father passed away, her mother, Agnes, a muggle, came to live with the family. Bernard and Wanda are supportive and loving parents who work their hardest to provide for the family. The childrens' grandmother is a bit of a nag, but gets on with the family otherwise, though she never can remember the names of her grandchildren.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Bess is of average height for her age, standing five feet even, and is rather plain looking. She's also of average weight, has brown eyes, and has dirty blonde hair which is usually worn in pigtails, a ponytail, or a braid. Her skin is a little tanned because she likes to spend time in the sun, and she wears thick black glasses with her uniform.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: She likes to follow her brother Ben around to annoy him, but aside from that, she gets along with him. She also has an older brother, Jebediah, in Gryffindor.
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. She owns a Cleansweep 5.
Year: 3rd
House: Gryffindor
Why are they in that house? She's courageous in the sense that she never hesitates to say what she's feeling (although this courage borders on stupidity a lot). Bess is also devoted to the subjects she does well in.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) None
Bess was having quite the time with her brother, Ben. She had followed him from the library to the Great Hall, quite aware that this action was getting on his nerves, but not really caring. Hey, it was his own fault for being too bloody serious and getting worked up so easily. Though Ben wasn't really listening, she was talking a mile a minute. "Guess what?" she asked, sitting across from him at the Hufflepuff table. "Did you know they found a three headed dragon in Romania? I would love to see that, only I wouldn't get too close because I would get eaten. Speaking of eating.." Bess dug her spoon into her mashed potatoes, not noticing that she was talking with her mouth full. "These are really good. Don't you think so?" She heard him sigh exasperatedly, and giggled. Too easy, really.
Character Secrets: None!
Character Alliance: Good, as she fangirls Dumbledore, and can't exactly support the beliefs of people who would rather her be dead.