I think you get it LOL
pair skater DP: how was shelf building?
TangoPimpVic: hehehe
TangoPimpVic: fun
pair skater DP: I want to build shelves soon *is jealous*
TangoPimpVic: aww *hugs* maybe Jamie will let you
pair skater DP: she needs to help though....
TangoPimpVic: yes that is true LOL
pair skater DP: it would be difficult to be a shelf builder by yourself;-)
TangoPimpVic: I agree it would be VERY difficult
pair skater DP: maybe I should talk to Jamie about shelf building
TangoPimpVic: I don't know if she's ready for shelf building yet
pair skater DP: I'm not going to start shelf building yet, I'll ask her when she will be ready
TangoPimpVic: that's a good idea
pair skater DP: we already talked about it a little
TangoPimpVic: yah?
pair skater DP: we want two blue shelves and one pink shelve
TangoPimpVic: that will be nice
TangoPimpVic: I want one blue shelf and one pink shelf
pair skater DP: that's what Shae said
TangoPimpVic: *nods*
pair skater DP: I need to have atleast two in order for the hockey team to be any good
TangoPimpVic: LOL.
pair skater DP: your blue shelf should play on my hockey team
TangoPimpVic: I think we're going to teach my blue shelf to figure skate
pair skater DP: psh
TangoPimpVic: psh!
pair skater DP: is it going to skate with the pink shelf?
TangoPimpVic: i don't know. All I know is we'll teach both of them and they'll both learn to tango. since...there shelf builder IS the tango pimp and all
pair skater DP: you never taught me to tango:'(
TangoPimpVic: I didn't?
TangoPimpVic: want to learn now?
pair skater DP: do I have to peel Jamie off of me?
TangoPimpVic: um yah...just for a minute
pair skater DP: aww that is sad
TangoPimpVic: you'll be okay. I promise
pair skater DP: *peels Jamie off*
TangoPimpVic: don't freak out. *takes your hands*
pair skater DP: *is scared*
TangoPimpVic: it'll be all right dave I promise!
pair skater DP: I know, I was just kidding
TangoPimpVic: Follow my lead using opposites. For example If I go back on my right foot you go forward on your left foot. Got it?
pair skater DP: okay
TangoPimpVic: *takes two steps back on the right foot then steps left putting his feet together*
pair skater DP: *follows your lead*
TangoPimpVic: I think you've got it
pair skater DP: yay!
TangoPimpVic: Wanna be a tango ho?
pair skater DP: sure why not
TangoPimpVic: *hands you a rose*
TangoPimpVic: put it in your teeth!
pair skater DP: *bites rose*
TangoPimpVic: *tangos with you*
pair skater DP: *tangos*
TangoPimpVic: *dips you*
pair skater DP: *is dipped*
TangoPimpVic: okay, you're a tango ho
pair skater DP: am I done now?
TangoPimpVic: yes. you may stick Jamie back to you if you'd like