Fair warning: This will be long.
CutieDancerJams: And can I ask you to do a favor for me?
Elvis4gold02: yeah i can do a favor
CutieDancerJams: Are you at the apartment?
Elvis4gold02: yeah
CutieDancerJams: Okay. I know my boyfriend all too well. I'll bet you anything that he's sleeping right now but he just crashed on top of the covers of his bed in his clothes. Will you go tuck him in for me? PUH-LEEZ!
Elvis4gold02: NO!
CutieDancerJams: *makes puppy dog eyes*
CutieDancerJams: You don't have to kiss him or anything...just pull the covers over him.
Elvis4gold02: WHY? its not cold in here!
CutieDancerJams: He'll get cold!
CutieDancerJams: I know he will!
CutieDancerJams: Because he always does.
Elvis4gold02: how do you know that?
CutieDancerJams: Because we both fell asleep on my couch a couple months back. He gets cold.
Elvis4gold02: JAMIE SILVERSTEIN! I'm not going to go tucki n a guy!
CutieDancerJams: But it's not like *you* are tucking him in...It's like you're tucking him in for *me*. That's different.
Elvis4gold02: no it isn't!
Elvis4gold02: what if he wakes up!
CutieDancerJams: He won't. He never wakes up, I swear.
CutieDancerJams: He's like a lump.
Elvis4gold02: Dave- if Jammer asked you to go tuck bran in, you woudln't do it would you?
DancinQueenonice: Yes Dave I know you're a guy
pair skater DP: I could... he's my little sisters boyfriend
Elvis4gold02: DAVE
pair skater DP: :-P
DancinQueenonice: *gets mental picture of Ben tucking in Brandon*
pair skater DP: he's what 19,20...
DancinQueenonice: *FOCLMAO*
Elvis4gold02: that's why i wont do it!
Dreaming Jenni: Oh, how I have missed these discussions...
pair skater DP: Jamdon says to stop being difficult
pair skater DP: Jamdon...?
CutieDancerJams: It's not like I'm asking you to kiss him goodnight for me.
CutieDancerJams: Geeze.
DancinQueenonice: oh dear lord
pair skater DP: why does he need someone to tuck him in?
CutieDancerJams: I'll say it again:
DancinQueenonice: This is better than cable. WOOOO
dancingmariediva: oh yeah
Dreaming Jenni: I'll tuck him in.
pair skater DP: no, I like it here a little better
pair skater DP: I don't feel the need fly across the world to Tuck Bran in
pair skater DP: Jenni should she needs practice
Elvis4gold02: that wouldn't be so bad
Elvis4gold02: she's actually a girl
Dreaming Jenni: And a mom! Almost.
DancinQueenonice: That's right.She's almost a mom
Elvis4gold02: why not just let him be cold????/
pair skater DP: what's ao wrong about a guy doing it... they are fathers someday too...
Elvis4gold02: its his fault!!!
DancinQueenonice: because she loves him
Elvis4gold02: he fell asleap!
Elvis4gold02: he could have put the covers on!
CutieDancerJams: He's been working hard!
DancinQueenonice: and she wants him to be warm
Elvis4gold02: and I havn't?
pair skater DP: be a good friend man
DancinQueenonice: I know what you've been dong Ben
pair skater DP: yes
CutieDancerJams: He's got to put up with Emilie and you don't
pair skater DP: if you tuck Bran in
CutieDancerJams: YES!
CutieDancerJams: I would
DancinQueenonice: Well except for the last six days
CutieDancerJams: Now freaking go tuck him in!
Elvis4gold02: you would? thats a scary though, remind me to make sure i'm not cold
DancinQueenonice: Ben..I'll come and tuck you in.
CutieDancerJams: *hits Ben with a chicken leg*
Elvis4gold02: ohh that'd be cool shae
CutieDancerJams: *whispers to shae* Ben isn't Bran sweetie...he doesn't have a thing for you. *cracks up*
Elvis4gold02: jk
DancinQueenonice: okay
DancinQueenonice: *whispers* I know that
DancinQueenonice: ;-)
pair skater DP: Shae, don't tuck Ben in
Elvis4gold02: THANK GOD I"M NOT BRAN!
CutieDancerJams: *whispers back* Okay. Good. Just checking on you. ;-)
CutieDancerJams: Okay. Ben. If you don't tuck him in, I'm driving over there and doing it myself and YOU are going to get yelled at when I get there.
Dreaming Jenni: Actually, I can't tuck anyone in right now. My stomach doesn't let me bend over.
DancinQueenonice: We have a show here tomorrow
pair skater DP: *pushes you and Vic in a pool*
Elvis4gold02: fine!
CutieDancerJams: *grumbles*
CutieDancerJams: Alright.
CutieDancerJams: I'm so going over there
CutieDancerJams: *grabs car keys*
CutieDancerJams: Watch your back, Agosto.
Elvis4gold02: I will!
pair skater DP: go Jamdon
CutieDancerJams: Thank you doodle...*giggles*
pair skater DP: kick his butt for me because he pissed me off earlier for some reason that I forget now
CutieDancerJams: Okay!
CutieDancerJams: *will kick Ben's butt*
Elvis4gold02: psh!
pair skater DP: oh, the shelf comment *glares*
Elvis4gold02: her parents put some nails in crooked too
pair skater DP: well your parents obviously never took shop class
CutieDancerJams: *FOCLMAO*
pair skater DP: you have more then just a few crooked nails
CutieDancerJams: Owww...I just fell out of my chair for real.
CutieDancerJams: ANyone have an ice pack?
Dreaming Jenni: *tosses an ice pack*
Elvis4gold02: if i did i wouldn't give it to you
CutieDancerJams: *catches*
CutieDancerJams: Thanks, Jenni!
pair skater DP: I thought you were going to tuck Bran in?
Elvis4gold02: does that mean your not coming then?
CutieDancerJams: THAT'S IT! THE ELVIS IMPERSONATER GETS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CutieDancerJams: I'm coming!
CutieDancerJams: And you are soooo going down!
pair skater DP: Ben, did your parents every teach you anything?
CutieDancerJams: GRRRR!
pair skater DP: like how to be nice to the ladies
Dreaming Jenni: Sure. I am always prepared.
CutieDancerJams: Doodle is a good boy....he know how to suck up to me. *pets him*
pair skater DP: *mumbles* no wonder your not in a serious realationship
CutieDancerJams: *high fives Davie*
Elvis4gold02: DAVE!
pair skater DP: if I was a girl I wouldn't want to date you
Elvis4gold02: you guys are so mean to me!
Elvis4gold02: HELLO!
pair skater DP: a have a wife
dancingmariediva: awww *pets Ben*
pair skater DP: don't pet him Marie!
CutieDancerJams: *does not pet ben because he's mean(
dancingmariediva: *pets Dave*
pair skater DP: why?
Dreaming Jenni: You're just not cool unless you have a girlfriend.
CutieDancerJams: I'm going to kill you anyway...so this would matter...how?
Elvis4gold02: I have more than you had when you were 21 dave!
pair skater DP: oyur girlfriend loves her friends more then you
Angel Jamie Rae has entered the room.
dancingmariediva: Jamie!
Elvis4gold02: DAVE!
pair skater DP: you had more parents?
TotallyTarax: Jamie!!!
Elvis4gold02: stop being a jerk
dancingmariediva: Ben and Dave are fighting
pair skater DP: Jamie!
CutieDancerJams: Ben...you were the jerk first!
Angel Jamie Rae: Tara!!
Elvis4gold02: she can talk about her friends. that doesn't mean she loves them "more than me"
pair skater DP: I'm not being a jerk
pair skater DP: I'm just stating the facts
Angel Jamie Rae: Marie!
Angel Jamie Rae: And everyone else.
CutieDancerJams: *sides with Doodle*
CutieDancerJams: Hi Jae!
Elvis4gold02: you don't know it so its not a fact!
pair skater DP: you think you are better then me and can tell me about how my parents put nails in crooked
pair skater DP: well hate to break it to you, they made me better then your parents made you!
pair skater DP: *is done now*
CutieDancerJams: Ben...you're the one who looks like a scrawnly little beaver.
CutieDancerJams: *cracks up*
Dreaming Jenni: And back to the shelves.
Elvis4gold02: JAMS!
CutieDancerJams: *scrawny
CutieDancerJams: BEN!
CutieDancerJams: *storms up the stairs to Bran and Ben's apartment*
CutieDancerJams: Alright. The one who looks like a beaverish Elvis gets it!
DancinQueenonice: Okay I'm back. Bet no one even noticed I was gone
CutieDancerJams: I noticed
SLCPrincess02: i did
CutieDancerJams: I'm about ready to beat up ben
DancinQueenonice: Thank you
CutieDancerJams: But first...
Angel Jamie Rae: I noticed, of course. It's what I do best.
Elvis4gold02: I noticed you were gone
DancinQueenonice: I still don't know why Dave pushed us in a pool
Elvis4gold02: lol
CutieDancerJams: *runs into Bran's room and tucks him in herself*
DancinQueenonice: Hi Jae
Elvis4gold02: good for you
DancinQueenonice: You came in while I was gone
CutieDancerJams: *kisses him on the forehead, then runs back out to push Ben down the stairs*
Elvis4gold02: JAMS!!!!!
CutieDancerJams: *grabs ben*
CutieDancerJams: *drags him to stair well*
CutieDancerJams: *pushes him down*
Elvis4gold02: *kicks*
CutieDancerJams: *cries*
pair skater DP: BEN!
pair skater DP: no
pair skater DP: no
pair skater DP: o
pair skater DP: do not kick girls
CutieDancerJams: Doodle! He kiced me!
CutieDancerJams: *runs and hides behind her big brother*
CutieDancerJams: *cries*
dancingmariediva: Ben! no kicking girls!
pair skater DP: *glares* I would kick you, but i'm not allowed.
CutieDancerJams: Psh.
dancingmariediva: *thwaps Ben*
Dreaming Jenni has left the room.
pair skater DP: only if someone kicks my wife then I may have permission to murder them
CutieDancerJams: At least you have manners, doodle.
CutieDancerJams: *pets you*
DancinQueenonice: he does?
CutieDancerJams: He does.
pair skater DP: Shae
Elvis4gold02: dude. I live on the tenth floor
DancinQueenonice: He pushed me in the freakin pool and didn't tell me why!!!
DancinQueenonice: What Dave?
CutieDancerJams: Well...he has manners for me.
TotallyTarax: Do any of you know how to have your cusor change when you put it over links on your lj?
CutieDancerJams: He loves his little sis. *cracksup*
DancinQueenonice: I don't
pair skater DP: I pushed you in the pool because I told Vic I would when you two were done babysitting
Elvis4gold02: are you at least going to come down here and help me?
CutieDancerJams: No.
DancinQueenonice: why did you do that?
CutieDancerJams: :-P
DancinQueenonice: Did we need a bath?
pair skater DP: because we were talking about something
pair skater DP: yesturday
Elvis4gold02: Jams I'm not kidding! this really hurts!
DancinQueenonice: oh really
DancinQueenonice: what?
Elvis4gold02: she pushed me down ten flights of stairs
CutieDancerJams: Oh go tell it to someone who cares, Beaver Boy.
pair skater DP: 10 flights
pair skater DP: haha
CutieDancerJams: :-P\
CutieDancerJams: O:-)
Elvis4gold02: I can't get up! how am i going to go tell someone else
CutieDancerJams: Dear lord.
CutieDancerJams: *goes down stairs to help*
CutieDancerJams: You're such a baby!
pair skater DP: *points and laughs* I guess someone won't be training to hard to come in 2nd again at Nationals:-P
Elvis4gold02: I am not! you would be crying too if you got pushed down ten flights of stairs
DancinQueenonice: That's cold
pair skater DP: no
pair skater DP: *does not cry*
CutieDancerJams: You're crying. *raises eyebrow*
CutieDancerJams: I didn't push you that hard, dude...
Elvis4gold02: what?
Elvis4gold02: dude ever heard of momentum
Elvis4gold02: that and gravity
CutieDancerJams: Dude, ever heard of a thing called manners?
Elvis4gold02: sorry!
CutieDancerJams: If you would have just been nice to me, dude, I wouldn' have done it, dude.
pair skater DP: but they don't push you down 10 flights
pair skater DP: aren'ts there normally walls to stop you....?
Elvis4gold02: we have funny stairs here
CutieDancerJams: There are...but Ben's just to dumb to realize they're there.
CutieDancerJams: So he goes right through them
Elvis4gold02: they're curvey stairs
Elvis4gold02: so i just kinda kept going
pair skater DP: that's why you grab the railing
Elvis4gold02: I TREID!
CutieDancerJams: And I seriously didn't push you that hard!
CutieDancerJams: You half tripped!
Elvis4gold02: are you just going to make me lie down here?
pair skater DP: for 10 stories?
Elvis4gold02: thats beside the point!
CutieDancerJams: You're such a baby!
CutieDancerJams: Get up!
Elvis4gold02: I tried!
pair skater DP: your weak man
Elvis4gold02: I am not!
dancingmariediva: *goes to find some more popcorn*
pair skater DP: you sound it
CutieDancerJams: Maybe I should just leave you there.
CutieDancerJams: *steps over Ben*
Elvis4gold02: all night?
DancinQueenonice: Bring me some Marie
pair skater DP: good Job Jams
CutieDancerJams: *takes bow*
Elvis4gold02: DAVE
CutieDancerJams: He deserves it!
pair skater DP: you'll get up sooner or later
DancinQueenonice: Ben has to skate tomorrow
Elvis4gold02: you guys don't understand. This really hurts!
dancingmariediva: *brings Shae some popcorn*
DancinQueenonice: He has to get up
CutieDancerJams: Ben. FREAKING GET UP!
DancinQueenonice: Thanks Marie *takes popcorn*
DancinQueenonice: Or I'm wearing the Elvis suit
pair skater DP: call an ambulence if it hurts that bad
Elvis4gold02: Jammer LOOK AT ME
CutieDancerJams: *looks at you*
pair skater DP: who would voluntarily look at you...
Elvis4gold02: I'm TRYING to get up
CutieDancerJams: I see...a beaverish elvis impersonater.
CutieDancerJams: *cracks up*
dancingmariediva: *throws Ben his cell, so that Shae doesn't have to be Elvis*
CutieDancerJams: No you aren't!
CutieDancerJams: Yo're trying to make me feel bad!
DancinQueenonice: Oh thank you Marie. I don't think the world is ready for taht
DancinQueenonice: that
Elvis4gold02: no Jams, just belive me for a second. this hurts
dancingmariediva: me either
pair skater DP: weak!
DancinQueenonice: Wait Ben..can you move your legs?
Elvis4gold02: Thanks for the cell phone marie
Elvis4gold02: *calls tanith*
CutieDancerJams: *rolls eyes*
DancinQueenonice: I think you need a doctor dear
CutieDancerJams: *mumbles*baby
pair skater DP: #1 i'd be smart enough not to fall down 10 flights of stair and #2 it wouldn't hurt
pair skater DP: why are you calling your girlfriend, she's probably out with Sasha
Elvis4gold02: To shaes question- no
DancinQueenonice: you don't need a doctor.
pair skater DP: no
pair skater DP: he doesn't
Elvis4gold02: no
pair skater DP: he just said that
Elvis4gold02: i mean
Elvis4gold02: well yeah
Elvis4gold02: but wrong question
pair skater DP: wimp
DancinQueenonice: So Tanith isn't a doctor
CutieDancerJams: She's a loooove doctor, Shae. ;-)
Elvis4gold02: well i wanted to talk to her
pair skater DP: does she want to talk to yu?
Elvis4gold02: she said she come over here.
pair skater DP: you*
Elvis4gold02: yes dave
Elvis4gold02: i'm talking to her
pair skater DP: how nice of her to take the time
CutieDancerJams: Okay. Seriously, guys, I did NOT push him that hard. I didnt' think he'd actually *fall*.
Elvis4gold02: Its not your fault
CutieDancerJams: Yeah, I know. IT's yours cause you have to freaking center of balance.
CutieDancerJams: You know what's funny about this whole thing?
DancinQueenonice: no what?
Elvis4gold02: what?
pair skater DP: I'm smarter then Ben
pair skater DP: because he has no comebacks
TotallyTarax: im alive
CutieDancerJams: Bran's sleeping right through it. Told you he could sleep through anything, Ben. :-P
DancinQueenonice: yay Tara!
TotallyTarax: lol
dancingmariediva: yay Tara!
TotallyTarax: sorry im making my new layout all pretty :-) i love it!
Elvis4gold02: psh. well could you wake him up. Maybe he'll be nice enough to help me
DancinQueenonice: Can't wait to see it
TotallyTarax: it's up!
spiraling sasha has entered the room.
TotallyTarax: go see it
CutieDancerJams: I'm not waking him! He needs his sleep!
Elvis4gold02: Hey Jams?
DancinQueenonice: nice shelf
CutieDancerJams: What? Don't ask me to wake bran, cause I won't do it.
Angel Jamie Rae: Thanks, I made it myself.
Elvis4gold02: I think I'm okay... well. I can move my legs. Can you just help me up?
Angel Jamie Rae: I think I'm going to put it in the laundry room.
pair skater DP: wow, not only was I left hanging, my wife is buildin shelfs alone
DancinQueenonice: Good place for them. :0
DancinQueenonice: ;-)
pair skater DP: no.... not the laundry room
CutieDancerJams: Not if I'm going to paralize you by doing it.
Angel Jamie Rae: *kisses Dave*
pair skater DP: building* and Shelves*
Angel Jamie Rae: Sorry to leave you hanging dear.
pair skater DP: yeah
DancinQueenonice: hanging?
Elvis4gold02: how would you do that?
CutieDancerJams: Well, If you hurt your back, I could hurt you more by moving you
pair skater DP: as in I kissed her and she didn't kiss me back....
DancinQueenonice: oh okay
pair skater DP: how do people not know what that means?
Elvis4gold02: well, its going to hurt worse if i lay here the rest of my life
dancingmariediva: *calls a doctor for Ben and Jams*
DancinQueenonice: what what means?
pair skater DP: never mind, ignore me
CutieDancerJams: Are you sure you're okay?
CutieDancerJams: *bends down next to you*
CutieDancerJams: Can you wiggle your toes?
SLCPrincess02 has left the room.
Elvis4gold02: it hurts to but yeah i can
DancinQueenonice: Are you feet warm?
Elvis4gold02: i don't know
Elvis4gold02: ask jams
DancinQueenonice: are his feel warm?
CutieDancerJams: *feels feet* YEah...they're warm.
CutieDancerJams: But now I've got beaver feet germs on my hands
CutieDancerJams: Eeewww...
CutieDancerJams: *runs off to wash hands*
CutieDancerJams: *then runs back to ben*
Elvis4gold02: hey come back!
CutieDancerJams: See above
headbanging doll has entered the room.
Angel Jamie Rae: Hey Isa :-)
headbanging doll: hi Jamie!
pair skater DP: poor Ben, too bad I have to leave instead of staying and listening to him comeplain....
pair skater DP has left the room.
DancinQueenonice: Warms is good
CutieDancerJams: Okay. Can you move your legs?
Angel Jamie Rae: *clings*
Elvis4gold02: yes, it just hurts
headbanging doll: what happened to Ben?
CutieDancerJams: Okay...can you try to sit up again?
DancinQueenonice: He fell down some stairs Isa
Elvis4gold02: yeah.. will you help me?
CutieDancerJams: alright...
Elvis4gold02: thanks
CutieDancerJams: *carefully helps ben sit up and prays she doesn't hurt him more*
Elvis4gold02: I feel like a total woos now
DancinQueenonice: woos?
Elvis4gold02: how do you spell it?
DancinQueenonice: What are you trying to spell?
CutieDancerJams: Wus?
Elvis4gold02: yeah
Elvis4gold02: that
CutieDancerJams: Hehe
CutieDancerJams: Okay
CutieDancerJams: Are you feeling okay>
Elvis4gold02: define okay.
Elvis4gold02: yeah
Elvis4gold02: I think i'm fine
CutieDancerJams: Nevermind. Stay still. I'm going to move you.
CutieDancerJams: *picks up ben*
Elvis4gold02: what?
headbanging doll: lol
CutieDancerJams: *carries up one flight of stairs*
Elvis4gold02: dude I'm not that scrawny
CutieDancerJams: *sets down*
CutieDancerJams: I'm strong
CutieDancerJams: Now shut up.
dancingmariediva: oh my
CutieDancerJams: *repeats process*
CutieDancerJams: *ten times*
Elvis4gold02: what the heck?
CutieDancerJams: Shut up, or I'll throw you down the stairs.
CutieDancerJams: *carries back into apartment and sets down on couch*
CutieDancerJams: There.
Elvis4gold02: can i just walk?
Elvis4gold02: oh
Elvis4gold02: thanks
CutieDancerJams: Now let me go make up some ice bags...
Elvis4gold02: your boyfriend woke up.
CutieDancerJams: *runs off to do that
CutieDancerJams: No he didn't.
Elvis4gold02: right when you walked in the door holding me
CutieDancerJams: Oh God.
CutieDancerJams: *dies*
Elvis4gold02: *cracks up*
DancinQueenonice: This is going to be good
Elvis4gold02: you better explain this one
CutieDancerJams: How does one explain carrying one's boyfriend's roommate into one's boyfriend's apartment?
DancinQueenonice: Heat of the moment?
Elvis4gold02: well you could start with how i got out of the appartment
CutieDancerJams: That was your fault
CutieDancerJams: Ha ha...funny shae.
CutieDancerJams: If you would have just done what I asked you to...it wouldn't have happened.
CutieDancerJams: *goes to make tea*
DancinQueenonice: You know somehow this seems perfectly normal in Bran/Ben/Jams land
Elvis4gold02: yeah i know
CutieDancerJams: I know. Scary, isn't it?
DancinQueenonice: Truly is
Elvis4gold02: dude shae, you made it sound like we're a threesome
DancinQueenonice: oo..I did
CutieDancerJams: Yeah...I'm doing both of them
DancinQueenonice: Sorry
CutieDancerJams: *cracks up*
DancinQueenonice: oh dear lord
Elvis4gold02: jams!
Elvis4gold02: thats yucky!
CutieDancerJams: Dude, I was kidding.
CutieDancerJams: Chill out.
Elvis4gold02: okay
Elvis4gold02: i thought you were kidding about the stairs too.. so you never know with you!
CutieDancerJams: Now you are going to go to sleep on this couch, cause I'm not moving you to your bed.
CutieDancerJams: *goes to get Ben's pillows and blankets*
DancinQueenonice: Some of us just don't do TMI O:-)
Elvis4gold02: I think i can get up and go to my bed
CutieDancerJams: You lie, shae
CutieDancerJams: No.
CutieDancerJams: You stay there!
CutieDancerJams: You move one muscle, and you'll be on my bad side
Angel Jamie Rae: Beyond TMI?
Angel Jamie Rae: What?
CutieDancerJams: You don't want to see my bad side.
DancinQueenonice: but's it's mild TMI
headbanging doll: lol poor Jamie
Elvis4gold02: you know i have to go to the airport tomarrow morning?
CutieDancerJams: I don't care.
Elvis4gold02: ohhhkay. thats good
DancinQueenonice: Do you know that the show starts at two?
CutieDancerJams: *elevates Ben's legs*
CutieDancerJams: So I'll set an alarm clock...whoop de doo
Elvis4gold02: yeah, when i say tommarow morning i mean at like 3:30 AM
DancinQueenonice: oh okay
DancinQueenonice: This is why we came today. ;-)
DancinQueenonice: Don't have to get up early
CutieDancerJams: Okay.
Elvis4gold02: the flights were all crazy for today
CutieDancerJams: *sets ben's alarm clock*
CutieDancerJams: There.
DancinQueenonice: We're just more dedicated than you. ;-)
Elvis4gold02: thanks.
Elvis4gold02: hey jams
CutieDancerJams: Now...you stay there. If you have to pee, you hold it because you are NOT moving until you wake up for the airport!
DancinQueenonice: Jams!
spiraling sasha has left the room.
CutieDancerJams: What?!
Elvis4gold02: *cracks up* you just read my mind
spiraling sasha has entered the room.
CutieDancerJams: Oh lord.
CutieDancerJams: Use a pot or something. *Cracks up*
spiraling sasha has left the room.
CutieDancerJams: That's it, I'm leaving this apartment.
CutieDancerJams: I can't take it anymore.
Elvis4gold02: Bye.
Elvis4gold02: Thanks for not leaving me down there
CutieDancerJams: YOu can get up and hurt youself again. I don't care.
CutieDancerJams: I should have left you.
DancinQueenonice: Make Brandon get up and watch him
CutieDancerJams: If I was smart, I would have.
CutieDancerJams: I should...But he needs his sleep. Poor baby.
CutieDancerJams: *giggles*
Elvis4gold02: I wont get up!
Elvis4gold02: I promise!
CutieDancerJams: *doesn't trust you*
CutieDancerJams: No. I should stay.
Angel Jamie Rae: I am abandoning ship for now!
CutieDancerJams: *gets pillow and blanket and lays on floor*
Angel Jamie Rae has left the room.
CutieDancerJams: You get up, and you'll step on me
CutieDancerJams: ANd then you'll be in even bigger trouble!
Elvis4gold02: really its okay. you don't have to babysit me. I have to skate tomarrow so i wont get up
CutieDancerJams: So stay there until that alarm clock rings
CutieDancerJams: *babysits you*
Elvis4gold02: okay
Elvis4gold02: i feel bad now
CutieDancerJams: Why?
Elvis4gold02: your sleeping on my floor
CutieDancerJams: So?
Elvis4gold02: i feel bad
CutieDancerJams: I've slept in weirder places.
CutieDancerJams: The closet comes to mind.
CutieDancerJams: And I've slept on Bran's couch before
Elvis4gold02: dude what are you going to do at three AM when i have to get up?
Elvis4gold02: I don't want to step on you
CutieDancerJams: I'll wake up too.
CutieDancerJams: No big deal.
CutieDancerJams: I'm a morning person.
Elvis4gold02: you sure?
CutieDancerJams: Positive.
Elvis4gold02: okay
DancinQueenonice: Oh Jams..Ben
Elvis4gold02: es?
CutieDancerJams: What?
DancinQueenonice: Refresh your friend's page
CutieDancerJams: Um, okay
Elvis4gold02: yes*
Elvis4gold02: okay
TotallyTarax: not me? :-\:'(
CutieDancerJams: Oh dear lord.
headbanging doll: or me? :'(
CutieDancerJams: *shakes head*
Elvis4gold02: *cracks up*
TotallyTarax: *cries with isa*
DancinQueenonice: Oh you can too but it's of special interest to those two
CutieDancerJams: I'll explain it to him in the morning.
CutieDancerJams: *cracks up*
DancinQueenonice: I think you need to
Elvis4gold02: yeah
DancinQueenonice: That's hilarious
CutieDancerJams: I will...
CutieDancerJams: I'll explain it to him
CutieDancerJams: He'll just be confused anyway.
CutieDancerJams: LOL
Elvis4gold02: lol
DancinQueenonice: Well yeah
Elvis4gold02: he'll probroblly call me and be like "did you know blah blah blah"