Elvis4gold02: lol
Pair Skater DJP: fujn
Pair Skater DJP: fun*
Elvis4gold02: yrah
Elvis4gold02: ah ican't type
Pair Skater DJP: yrah!
Elvis4gold02: we sound jewish or something now though
Elvis4gold02: lo
Elvis4gold02: l
Pair Skater DJP: lol, we do
Pair Skater DJP: haha
Elvis4gold02: i know
Elvis4gold02: *dances around with a yamica*
Elvis4gold02: *and smokes my marjawanica*
Pair Skater DJP: it's time for Hanukah!
Pair Skater DJP: lol
Elvis4gold02: someobdyes half jewish, goldie hans half too
Elvis4gold02: put them together
Pair Skater DJP: Hanukah is the festival of lights
Pair Skater DJP: *doesn't know the next few lines*
Elvis4gold02: i don't remember the nextline
Elvis4gold02: lol
Pair Skater DJP: we're so smart
Elvis4gold02: instead of one day of presents we have 8 CRAZY nights
Elvis4gold02: whee i rememberd it
Pair Skater DJP: good job
We are odd, but Ben's the one who started it;)