Ok, now this one's a little weird. Its not from a movie, play, book, tv show, or comic strip. Its from a friends fanfic. Yes, I know, but while perusing it last night I found this story very entertaining, so much so that I have now played out a small scene from it for you.
The story is called "Never Too Old, Never Too Different"
by Pichooi on fanfiction.net. Its mainly about the unlikely, but still cute, pairing of Timon's mother and Zazu.
The full story can be found here:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2191208/1/ Normal things apply. Please listen for two distinct characters. I did try a little to get Timon's accent, but now as hard as I would have if I had actually tried so, don't take points off for that.
And to answer your question; yes. I just might do a scene from YOUR fanfic! If you are one of my internet buddy friends!