
Mar 24, 2008 17:39

i do not really care for sports ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

jukebox_heroine March 24 2008, 21:55:02 UTC
nancy & i were discussing refusing to go to the nats stadium because they leveled nation to put it there & screwed up everything. but then we discovered there was a mini ben's in there & now we just don't know.
then again, regular ben's is a 15 minute shamble from my apt.


pythonmont March 24 2008, 22:07:03 UTC
finally! something i feel qualified to comment on ( ... )


am7 March 24 2008, 22:32:38 UTC
Hm. If you want to teach your children how to love a team that never wins, go Nats.


violety6 March 25 2008, 01:16:00 UTC
just to respond to amy: you, my dear, are a red sox fan. that means that you love a team that, until recently, lost for 87 years. just sayin.


pythonmont March 25 2008, 02:45:21 UTC
considering the o's are now officially "rebuilding" and aren't expected to be viable until 2010...

oh, i see you're a sox fan. nomah!


fightscrime March 25 2008, 02:49:30 UTC
Excuse me, but, there is a WAY more important regional sports allegiance question at hand here!


bestiame March 25 2008, 03:07:39 UTC
no contest there. somehow the baseball shlep is more daunting than the derby shlep.


fightscrime March 25 2008, 14:08:23 UTC
I'm just teasing, anyway. It's a broad church, is derby.


ashdsch5 March 25 2008, 03:03:00 UTC
I'd have to say the Ben's Chili Bowl would be a little enticing.


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