The shooting range was not at all how Castle had pictured it. In his mind, hardened beat cops with bristle mustaches stood around in pairs, comparing their pieces with one another while watching other members of their tribe blast the crap out of tin cans on a fence. He had a whole scene hashed out in his head before he even got to the range: Nikki
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He took his sunglasses off inside the building. It was as gray as the outside and had all of the charm of a psych ward. Someone had gotten clever with colour psychology and painted the walls Institutional Taupe, as if the colour was going to really make a difference to those people who came here specifically to get their rocks off, ballistics style. The front desk was braced by a wall of plexi glass and behind it, a matronly woman with forearms as thick as Christmas baked hams sat thumbing through a variety magazine. Castle would let Beckett do the introductions. He took a steno pad from the inside of his jacket and wrote down a couple of quick observations:
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He peeled the scarf and coat from his body and dumped them into a chair in the corner of the room. Some of the other off-duty cops gave him cautious looks; Castle had heard that they could smell their own and he was certainly not carrying blue pheromones. They seemed a ( ... )
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