Sep 12, 2011 16:05
1. Pen Name: mildly_deluded
2. Fandom: Tiger and Bunny.
3. Rating of the story: Potentially up to R, for themes rather than sexual content.
4. Spoilers/Time Line: AU, but with spoilers for Lunatic's identity and background.
5. Pairing: Kotetsu/Lunatic, mild Kotetsu/Barnaby. Potential Lunatic/Kotetsu/Barnaby depending whether the plot behaves or changes direction.
6. Beta Type: Content mostly, I'd like someone who can work with me to fill in any holes, make sure everything flows properly, and that everything is believable. Since it's my first time in this fandom, someone who can help me keep everyone IC (especially considering the nature of the AU) would be appreciated too. I'm not too bad on the spelling/grammar side of things, but things always slip through the cracks (and beware the rampaging Brit-speak, that always gets away from me).
7. Harshness: This is going to make me sound like a mass of contradictions, but I'd prefer tactful honesty in terms of plot and characterisation. Be constructive in your criticism, but be as honest as you need to be to fix things, getting the story right means more to me than my ego. But please feel free to be harsh with me on the subject of grammar. I'm terrible for abusing the comma and ignoring other aspects of punctuation in favour of it, and occasionally getting… creative with my sentence structure, so give me a metaphorical slapping to help break those habits if you need to. I'm also a Brit and my spelling and occasional phrasing will reflect that, so helping me remove the glaring Briticisms would be appreciated (though I will be keeping the spellings).
As an additional note; this fic is for a prompt on the anon meme, so in the spirit of that I'd like to avoid giving too many details under my name just yet (though I will eventually be archiving it in my fic comm), meaning IM/PM/email would be the best way to share information with potentil betas. And I'm still in the planning stages right now, so if you'd like to be involved in a project from outlining right up to the finished product, I'm your girl.