Title: All Those Psychiatrists
Author: betawho
Rating: G
Character: 11th Doctor, Amy Pond, Augustus Pond, Tabitha Pond
Words: 297
Summary: The Doctor has appeared at Amy's wedding. Her imaginary friend is real, and her parents realize they owe her an apology...
Balloons and flowers and wine glasses, loud music played, a breeze wafted in through the tall windows. Augustus and Tabitha Pond pulled their daughter privately to the side of the wedding reception, contrite looks on their faces.
"Amelia, I'm so sorry," her chubby father said, he grasped her hands tightly, looking up at her mournfully. "All those years..."
"All those psychiatrists we sent you to," her mother said, a harrowed look in her eye.
"I did tell you," Amy pointed out. But she was too happy today to bear her parents a grudge. She had her parents back! They didn't know that, but she did, she'd forgive them anything, just for existing.
Her father's eyes flickered over her shoulder at a particularly raucous round of laughter from the party behind them. There was an "Oops!" and the sound of a champagne glass breaking. "Sorry!"
Tabitha looked beyond her shoulder. "He's younger than I envisioned, not as square jawed..." she looked at her daughter speculatively.
Her father's eyes came back to her, a bit wide, a bit stricken. "But, he's really real, your Raggedy Man. The blue box. All your paintings and drawings. I've talked to him. I've touched him. I could never have imagined..."
The Doctor poked his head in, "I'm beyond most people's imagination." He grinned around at them.
"Amy, Rory's looking a bit lonely." He nodded past her familiarly to where Rory was watching them from across the room.
"The rest of you, come on! There's dancing!" He raised his arms over his head and boogied off.
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