Doctor Who Adventures - Full List Here is the list of all the One Chapter Short stories on the site.
All stories are rated G or PG, the same as the TV series.
Nebula of Lost Souls - (12th Doctor, Clara Oswald) [One Chapter] - The Doctor and Clara find something very strange in a disappearing nebula.
Melody Song- (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond, Rory Williams) [One Chapter] - River is turned into a child. She's six years old, cute as a button, and pissed off.
Sick River - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond, Rory Williams) [One Chapter] - River was always the strong one, but what would the others do if she got sick?
Dinner and a Date - (11th Doctor, River Song, Original Character) [One Chapter] - River is a head turner wherever she goes. What if some man noticed her in a night club, only to be dragged into one of her and the Doctor's escapades?
Silent Night - (11th Doctor, River Song, Clara) [Treatment] - A proposed storyline for how all the dangling questions of the Silence arcs can be answered before 11 regenerates in the Christmas Special.
Planning by Firelight - (4th Doctor) [One Chapter] - The Doctor has been to many worlds, seen many sights, fought many enemies, and made many friends. And one thing he has learned. Never judge by appearances. And never underestimate the locals.
The Christmas Assassination - (10th Doctor, Mels) [One Chapter] - It was 2005, Mels was 17, and the Prime Minister was on national TV calling for anyone who knew the Doctor...
Hopscotch - (11th Doctor, River Song) [One Chapter] - A River/Doctor Adventure - River and the Doctor are hunted through a deserted spaceship. Aliens, abandoned spaceships, vortex manipulators, and bowties. Somebody's in trouble...
Asylum of the Daleks REVISED - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory) [Edited Episode] - I re-edited/rewrote "Asylum of the Daleks" to fix the plotholes, make the story flow smoother, make more sense, and add some tension.
Planet of the Dead REVISED - (10th Doctor, Christina deSousa) [Edited Episode] - This is an actual transcript of "The Planet of the Dead" episode, revised to fix plot holes, pacing, dialogue, and tone down a bit of the camp so the adventure can shine through.
Anniversary Blues - (River Song, Jack Harkness, 11th Doctor) [One Chapter] - It's River's first wedding anniversary after her last kiss with the Doctor. She's not handling it well... (Includes Jack, Silents, a bar in 1968, and quite a lot of violence.)
Appearances Can Be Deceiving - (6th Doctor and Peri) [One Chapter] - It was trouble enough dealing with one Doctor, let alone two. Peri didn't think she'd have to deal with herself, an other self, a different self. She stared at the other Peri, with her one hoop earring, biker boots, and bowie knife -- Okay, that was just weird...
Sontaran Encounter - (11th Doctor, River Song, Jack Harkness) [One Chapter] - During one of their adventures, the Doctor and River run into Jack, who's a bit befuddled about their relationship.
A Day at the Beach (5th Doctor and Nyssa) [One Chapter] - Sea Legends come to life when the Doctor and Nyssa meet an unusual little boy who begs them to help save his friend.
Corridor Running (3rd Doctor and Jo) [One Chapter] - The Doctor and Jo have a hairy day at UNIT HQ when an alien follows them home in the Tardis.
To the Rescue (6th Doctor and Peri) [One Chapter] - The Doctor and Peri visit a world where everyone dresses like the Doctor, and the royal princess has just been kidnapped by space pirates.
A Rose in the Basement- (9th Doctor and Rose) [One Chapter] - This is the Doctor and Rose's first meeting from the Doctor's point of view.
Afterwards - (10.5 Doctor and Rose) [One Chapter] - When Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor were left at Bad Wolf Bay it was the start of a whole new life and a whole new "Journey of a Lifetime." This is what happened Afterwards.
Local Custom - [One Chapter] - The Doctor is turned black and dropped into the American South during Segregation. How does the Doctor handle human prejudice? With a smile! - Read Official Review
The Cookie Monster - (10th Doctor and Rose) [Short Multi-Chapter] - The Doctor does some maintenance on the Tardis, with unexpected side effects for Rose.
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