This week's bio:
Title: Rose
Rating: G
Genre: General
A/N: Many thanks to my beta
shina_laris !
When Mum and Dad got married, everybody chipped in to send them on a honeymoon. Uncle George arranged everything and paid for almost half of the trip, since Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes was doing very well and he was always trying to share his money with the rest of his family. Thus they spent four months travelling around the world for their honeymoon. They took trains through Europe and a ship to Africa. Then they flew to Asia and sailed on a cruise ship through the Pacific to South America. Finally they made their way to the United States where they took a road trip through the country for the last month of their journey.
When Hugo and I are tucked into bed, we sometimes get told stories about their adventures. This is my favourite part of the day.
Mum will tuck us in to bed and kiss our foreheads. Then she'll lay down next to us to tell us the story, her hands fluttering above us as she paints pictures with her words. Her stories are about people, both interesting and mundane, but always people. I love to hear about the Japanese sumo wrestlers and the Eskimos of North America. Sometimes her stories are happy, like the story about how Dad wrecked the rental car in India and a nice couple came to their rescue. Other times the stories are sad, especially when she tells us about the little kids they saw dying in Africa from Muggle diseases such as AIDS.
When Dad puts us to sleep, he'll spin us around the room and toss us onto our beds. Once we've settled down he'll pace around the room while telling his stories, his arms gesturing wildly when he gets to the exciting parts. Dad's stories are about places and events, and they are adventures in themselves. My favourite stories are about how he and Mum climbed mountains in the Andes and kayaked through the Amazon. His stories are usually exciting, like his story about jumping off of a bridge in California. Sometimes his stories are more peaceful though, like when he and Mum slept under the stars in Spain.
That was years and years before I was born, but they both remember it fondly, saying it was one of the best experiences of their lives. I think it must have been amazing. I can't imagine riding on an airplane or rafting down a river. Most days I daydream about what it would be like to visit exotic places or meet loads of new people.
I love going to Muggle School because I get to learn about places all over the world. Mum says that is called geography. It amazes me though, that these people all over the world are all human beings like I am and want the same things in life despite how different we are. More than anything else on Earth, what I want is to travel the world. Mum does not really understand my urge to explore, but she buys me books about faraway places anyway. Dad does understand me; when he was working for Uncle George he would travel all over the world to set up franchises. Since he is an Auror now, he rarely travels outside of the United Kingdom. He says he misses travelling, but not as much as he would miss his family if he had to leave home for months at a time.
My first big adventure is going to be Hogwarts. I have years until I am old enough to attend, but I try to learn as much as I can about it anyway. I've read tons of books about it and I always listen when any of my relatives tells stories about their time at Hogwarts. Dad and Mum sometimes tell me stories about Hogwarts at bedtime, stories about ghosts like the Grey Lady and Nearly Headless Nick and stories about how they became friends because of a troll. They talk about professors and other students and sneaking off to the kitchen for midnight snacks. I've tried asking them about what they did outside of classes, but they don't seem to like to talk about it. Dad will mutter something about Quidditch and Mum will giggle nervously and mention studying. I don't know what they must have done outside of class beyond that, but I'm guessing they went on adventures.
I hope I get to be in Gryffindor like them when I attend Hogwarts. Dad says that Gryffindors have the most fun and are the best at Quidditch. Mum says he's making it all up and that every other house is just as good. I still think I'd like to be in Gryffindor though. Ravenclaw would be alright, I suppose, but you have to have courage to go on adventures and I want to go on plenty of those!
One day, when I finish Hogwarts, I will travel all over the world. I want to see Mount Fuji and the Grand Canyon. I want to swim along the Great Barrier Reef and raft down the Nile. I want to live life to the fullest and have fun. I know there is more to life than just enjoying yourself. I want to get married and have kids someday, too. In the end though, what is life worth if you spend it trapped in one place without really living?
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