Who: >=< and his dragon. Also Sefton, and Some, and Bonnie =3
What: Various things!
When: The weekend of May 14/15
Where: Le Gode Hostel
Notes: This main post is just a placeholder; I realized I'd set up plans for three separate logs taking place in the hostel, so instead of spamming the comm they're just all gonna go here, as comment threads. Cool
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Sefton would probably find the Doctor's current position interesting. Not because there was a dragon involved, or a fez, but because no one had been reporting any problems with the elevator.
His dragon was getting increasingly suspicious of Sefton and his strange coldness, and the way he was looking at the Doctor, which she mistook for hostility. She snapped her jaws toward his shin - not intending to actually bite, more as a warning.
The Doctor sent a glare down at her, snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor. "Down, girl." She looked up at him and backed off - still growling, but she backed off.
Threats of biting, whether they connected or not, were still enough to get Sefton to take a step away. He frowned down at the little dragon, now much warier than before. Thanks to his excursion as Lance for two weeks, he knew more about baby dragons than he had ever wanted to know, but that didn't mean he had any clue why some acted as they did. "What's her problem?" he muttered.
Then he stopped. "Although..."
He did a slow double-take, then held out a hand near Sefton's face - not actually touching him. More like he was feeling for an aura. His fingers wiggled about in mid-air.
"Although?" he repeated, sending the Doctor a not-very-amused look.
"D'you know you're putting out a magnetic field?" He glanced at the open panel of wires. Suddenly it seemed a lot less interesting. "Well, of course you are, everything has a magnetic field, but yours is... weird." He reached out with an index finger, as though he was going to brush it down Sefton's nose. "How are you doing that?"
"This place's pretty good at finding 'em." Sefton chose to ignore the references to the magnetism as long as the Doctor had stopped asking direct questions about it.
"Seems to be," he said - sending a glance down at the dragon, just to make sure she wasn't going to snap again. She was docile, for the moment. "So. Magnetic human. How's that happen?"
He turned back to the wires. He could work and talk at the same time.
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