im_head_boy and OPEN
WHAT IMPROVING THE CITY. and being really hungry, oh god.
WHERE All over: the Magistrate's Tower, Furor's, Casa de Marauder, throughout the city.
WHEN All week, starting 5/31 - 6/4
NOTES Just note when/where you're running into him.
WARNINGS None yet!
Monday: Casa de Marauder )
He hadn't intended to pause when he'd heard Percy harassing - yes, that was effectively what Weasley was up to - but the opportunity was perhaps too good to pass up. But it had been a long while since he'd been able to freely do any harassing of his own, and nothing was coming to him just yet; instead, Draco was content with standing idly by, smirking amusedly at the attempts to get proper answers out of passers-by. It was probably a safe position - what were the chances he'd be asked?
But! Now wasn't the time to give up. He knew this wasn't a useless venture; he had to find answers. Glancing up, he spotted a form standing still and took two steps over towards it before he realized who it was.
"Mr. Malfoy," he greeted, pulling a cool politeness over his initial shock.
"Don't mind me; I'm just enjoying your suffering." He made a little shooing gesture, pointing off towards another small group of people who were more than likely just going to either tell him to sod off or get more food, "There's another lot you can ask, though."
Who knew, it might actually be useful to speak to a new arrival - and it wasn't like anything Malfoy could suggest would be worse than the legislation Percy himself had enacted, though he'd managed to eradicate it.
Of course, one thing did come to mind: "How about the fact that, almost the moment I arrived, I was very nearly mugged and killed?" More than likely an exaggeration, but when it came to Draco's life, very little wasn't. "Not a pleasant welcome, I have to say."
"You seem to have another suggestion," he remarked blandly, clicking the pen closed. "May I inquire?"
"Whatever would do to keep the streets safer than they are. Admittedly, haven't had a problem since then, but I've been watching my back." Doubtless there were others as paranoid as the blond. Somewhere. "And possibly a way for people to figure out where they are and what they're doing without having to ask."
A dangerous thing to admit, perhaps, but perhaps Malfoy had had the same revelation - and besides, he'd heard about what had happened at the Battle, seen some of its aftereffects himself. Insofar as the Malfoy family could be considered to be on a 'side' besides their own, they were mostly on the same side now. Besides, his offensive magic wasn't affected as much, thankfully.
If nothing else, Draco's words hadn't yet been curbed, and he fought far more battles with them than anything else. Perhaps it would change without Crabbe or Goyle around, or perhaps he would simply learn a lesson in interpersonal dealings. Thus far, he'd been able to speak with Weasley with few issues; maybe there was something to be said for civility. Or at least live and let live.
"So what is here in any abundance?"
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