WHOReinette and YOU
WHATA week of Reinette's life, from searching for real employment to one of her most favored of occupations, here -- watching others.
WHERE Through the many and varied locations of town. She will be quite active this week. From Sanctuary to the streets themselves.
WHEN From Thursday to Thursday, day and night.
NOTES Simply
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He wasn't exactly a good Samaritan, so when he noticed the girl looking a bit lost it wasn't exactly kindness which made him speak up.
"Lookin' for something, miss?" he called out, cocking his head.
The answer to he question rose up without hesitation. The issue, of course, was that the question was not her own. And Reinette could hardly be expected to reveal everything that one word could contain with a complete stranger, even if she was self-aware enough to speak it quite plainly to herself.
On a single heel, she turned to great the voice's owner. Like the city itself, the man had a raw, unfinished quality about him. Yet there was something effortless about it.
Her voice was measured and cool when Reinette finally replied, her own expression guarded.
"On this particular occasion? No, I am not."
French. French? And very posh, wasn't she? This might be fun. Or a total bust, but Spike had nothing but time.
She was only lost if she allowed herself to be. It was a belief that Reinette used a great deal to connect one day to the next.
"And what do you believe now?"
"That you're the type who won't admit when she is," he said, tongue curling behind his teeth.
"And what if I am. Would you rather I walk these streets announcing my helplessness instead?"
But to actually act on that knowledge? Even if only with words?
"I am no princess. Nor would I wish to be."
"More than a few, yes. Louis' daughters. And every last one of them difficult."
The words were brisk and sharp and contained unmasked irritation. He clearly knew more than she did, and thus held the advantage. And the advantage was something Reinette would prefer to wield for herself.
But all too soon reality invaded once more.
"I suppose that stylish is one word that might be used."
Her attention refocused, directing itself onto Reinette's companion.
"Am I assume you are not from this time either? Or that you are merely -- educated?"
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