WHO Bonnie, Wes, and OPEN. Possible guest appearances by Spike, Cassandra? Snape? Anyone who would have cause to see Bonnie or stop by the shop, really.
WHAT Bonnie and Wes try to have a normal night in. It probably fails.
WHERE Bonnie's place
WHEN Sunday evening
NOTES Multiple threads welcome, and threadjacking is okay.
WARNINGS Goodness, I hope none.
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Hours later, he figured it was safe to venture out and rifle through the fridge for Wesley's beer. Sid followed him, and in the silence of the apartment his purr was loud and, Spike thought, insistent. Setting the beer on the counter, he scooped the cat up, cradling him like a baby in one arm while he rubbed his fuzzy belly.
If he was lucky, no-one else would be up. Stifling a yawn, he shuffled out into the hallway and towards the bathroom. Where was that distant sort of humming noise?
What he forgot, of course, was that he was still holding Sid.
"Gearin' up for round two?"
He shook his head, "She's asleep at the moment. I was..."
Then realising he really shouldn't be discussing such things with Spike, he just closed his mouth again and headed to the bathroom. Hopefully by the time he'd finished, Spike would have gone off to his room.
And had that been a kitten he'd spied tucked in the crook of Spike's elbow?
But Wesley had already disappeared. Spike put him down quickly, zipping to the kitchen to retrieve his beer so he could be casually leaning against the wall when Wesley emerged.
"Where's your cute furry companion?" He asked, going on the offensive a bit.
He didn't think the question was, though.
"I ate him," he said. "It. I ate it." Which of course was Sid's cue to trot back in and twine himself around Spike's legs, gazing up at him with obvious familiarity and expectation.
"It was supposed to impress Buffy, all right?" he said irritably. "An' now it won't leave me the hell alone."
Sid mewed expressively, demanding attention. Spike ignored it.
He poured a small amount in a saucer, set it on the counter, then bent down and picked up the tiny thing and deposited it on the counter too. It probably wasn't the most hygienic decision he'd ever made, but it was late and he was only half-awake.
"Was Buffy impressed?"
"No," Spike said, and couldn't keep the bitterness from his voice. He crossed his arms. He wasn't just talking about the cat anymore. "Sodding bitch. Just made her think of me more like... well, like Mittens." He gestured at the cat. "Sid, I mean. Sid. Like some sort of tame bloody rottweiler she could pat on the head and let on its merry way because she knew she'd knocked the fight out of 'im."
He was tired of her condescension. Tired of her superiority. He could kill the bloody animal, he thought. That'd show her. Hadn't she said she preferred him a vampire? Time he started acting like one.
"Perhaps it would be better for your sanity if you moved on." It had taken him a while but he'd finally accepted that Claire didn't want him in that way, and he was trying to allow Faith to have the space she needed, because of his continued connection with Bonnie. It was all a tangled mess and every day seemed to add more complications, but...he wasn't sure if he truly wanted it 'easy' the way that Faith had claimed. "Or at least gave up trying so hard to impress her."
"First I'm not good enough, an' then she's not. I'm wrong on account I'm a vampire, and then I'm wrong to be human. It's wrong because I can never understand right an' wrong, an' then it's wrong because I'm not trying hard enough to do right for its own sake. Like anyone does that! There's always some bloody reward, even if it's a little spark in your brain tellin' you what a jolly good fellow you are. You know, I'm sick of her telling me what I should do, when it's not going to lead to any-fucking-thing." He looked up finally. "What's the point?"
"I remember you once said that caring was the point. I do agree that very few people, vampire or otherwise practice altruism on a daily basis or genuinely strive for it. Consciously or sub-consciously we have wants and desires which are tied up in our choices and actions. I may regret saying this, considering to whom I am talking, but perhaps it's time to sort out who you want to be on your own terms. You can only look so far for external validation. Having someone else's opinion be the crucial factor in all of your decision-making will only end in disaster in the long run."
"The long run?" he repeated. "Run a bit longer than you. And I don't make decisions by her opinions. It's pretty fucking clear she doesn't want any part of me. You saying I don't have any self-esteem or something? Should I get a book? Watch Oprah?" Spike snorted. "I'm bloody full of self-esteem! Always lived on my own terms."
He couldn't understand what Wesley was talking about. Because it was all true, and centered right in the middle of Spike's biggest blind spot.
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