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buffy } { wherever, whenever =D isaywe_party October 31 2011, 03:49:00 UTC
Buffy hasn't dressed up for Halloween since that one year where Ethan Rayne magicked all the costumes in Sunnydale and the city exploded. She probably should have taken a cue from that and stuck to those guns, but this is Bonnie's party, and she's not going to be the grump who didn't dress up for the costume party.

The bruises from her fight with Angelus had mostly healed, her hearing was back, and she was in too good a mood not to party. She arrived at Bonnie's shop, dressed up to the nines as Galinda the Good, and started to scan the room looking for familiar faces.


She totally remembered how to do this.


rightawaydoctor October 31 2011, 04:21:21 UTC
"What a gorgeous costume!" Christine exclaimed, coming over to Buffy's side. "I'm gonna be up front and say I don't know who you're dressed as, but I love it all the same."

As for Christine, she was dressed as a genie with the gauzy pants, midriff top, and vest. There was a little fez perched on her head with a scarf dipping down from it, going underneath her chin and back up to the other side of her hat.


isaywe_party October 31 2011, 23:34:29 UTC
"Thanks!" Buffy said brightly as she turned to face the other woman. "I'm Glinda from the Wizard of Oz, version Wicked. I've always wanted to see the show, but I haven't gotten a chance to yet."

It took her a minute, before pointing to the other woman. "We've talked before. Christine, right?"


rightawaydoctor October 31 2011, 23:46:10 UTC
Christine knew of the Wizard of Oz, but Wicked was one of those things that had fallen through the cracks and wasn't as popular by the 23rd century, so she merely nodded.

"Right! Long time ago. How are you doing after... well, everything lately? I saw you on the Network the other day."


isaywe_party November 1 2011, 15:14:39 UTC
"I? Am awesome," she said with a grin. "I had a really good weekend. A little bit of momentary deafness, but I'm back to hundred percent now."


rightawaydoctor November 1 2011, 17:31:16 UTC
"That's really good news. I know this is a party and you probably don't want to talk shop, but do you think that massive vampire uprising was just a one-time thing? Or could it happen again?"

Ever since Christine had heard about the increased number of vampires roaming around and attacking, she had wondered as to the reason they had chosen to do so, instead of the random isolated attacked which were more common.

And, of course, she couldn't help but wonder if she was still a vampire if she would have been drawn into the attacks.


isaywe_party November 2 2011, 15:32:23 UTC
"With these particular vamps? Definitely a one time thing. This was an Angelus-plan."

She wasn't sure if she could really explain all of it, but she was willing to try. "Not saying an equally bad vamp couldn't show up and try to take on the city again, but these particular vamps were under Angelus's orders, and they don't really do major uprisings. They mostly just want to eat and cause trouble."


rightawaydoctor November 2 2011, 18:21:24 UTC
Christine nodded. "It's lucky we have so many people here willing to face them. Well, I mean the... bad ones." Because even the ones who wanted to be good could be dangerous. She knew she had been dangerous.


isaywe_party November 3 2011, 16:39:14 UTC
"Yeah, it is," she said with a nod. "I'd hate to think what would happen if it were just me against that whole army. The fact that we have a big hunter community is pretty awesome."


rightawaydoctor November 3 2011, 17:51:17 UTC
"I wonder," Christine began, suddenly pondering something she'd never thought to do before, "If the City does that on purpose. It brings lots of vampires, werewolves, and demons here, and then people whose specialty is hunting them. Now, is the City's goal to watch them duke it out, or to watch them learn to get along so they can work together for this... purpose that we're all here for?"


isaywe_party November 5 2011, 18:52:36 UTC
"To be honest? I'm not sure if the City is big on the grand plans," she shrugged. "I mean, some days it feels like it's got something in mind, and other times -- it's like chaos in a bottle."


rightawaydoctor November 5 2011, 19:15:37 UTC
"Unless the chaos is what it enjoys." She paused to imagine that, ending up with her shaking her head and laughing.

"God, I hate thinking of this place as alive. With devious plans and goals."


isaywe_party November 6 2011, 16:44:07 UTC
She laughed. "It's a crazy, isn't it? I'd hate to think what would happen if it suddenly decided it could talk."


rightawaydoctor November 6 2011, 17:51:27 UTC
"Oh, God, it'd be ridiculous!" Christine exclaimed. "One morning we'd wake up to this booming voice that shakes buildings or something."


isaywe_party November 6 2011, 17:55:58 UTC
She grinned. "Kind of like you always imagine the voice of God being except ... the total opposite."


rightawaydoctor November 6 2011, 18:11:51 UTC
"Right. It's the voice of something not-quite-so-benevolent." Now she really hoped that never came to pass.


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