No more chickpea Boca burgers

Jun 12, 2005 07:55

Must of Friday...or earlier.

Oh! The amazing, fabulous, amazing, fabulous day was the day Tina, Hannah and I ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

so_never_stop June 12 2005, 15:40:42 UTC
she's not vomiting...she's turning into a dragon and breathing fire. duh....


COME PLAY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


undeadbagel June 18 2005, 01:03:55 UTC
yay dragons!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!


5_3nproudofit June 12 2005, 22:59:41 UTC
um candy rats are the shiznit, biotch.

omg!!! there is a mark on my bumper! it is purple, just like the car i backed into!!! ahhhh! the parentals havent seen it yet. um bye.


undeadbagel June 18 2005, 01:03:35 UTC
so... i was gonna read your entire entry.... and then make you feel like crap. but like... it was too fucking long so i couldn't bring myself to do it quite yet.

by the way, this is becky's friend biz. i met you for like an hour. yay.




undeadbagel June 18 2005, 01:04:49 UTC
way to live in the mushroom capital of the world. who does THAT?


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