This is Tom as in THE Tom the sexual attacker one..
If you ever meet him one day please hurt him in some.
i decided i hate him. i hate him becasue he makes me hate hannah.
he has actually fucked up parts of my life and i hate him for that.
i dont hate anyone, usually.
but. i hate tom.
hannah doesn't tell me anything.
she tells addison [randum male friend of hers whom she fancies]
then i get told by either Addison or a drunken Anna.
I'm the last to know.
I have made a concious decision not to tall her anything in the slightest bit personal, becasue she will either
lecture me on how bad i am / not as good as her i am
or tell someone even if i didnt want her to
or. not care./ or give a shit.
Hannah feels she has the right to tell me off / be in a mood at least once a day becasue i smoked. she can fuck off.