Title: Role Reversal Pairings: Miyata/Tamamori Rating: PG (for a kiss) Summary: Miyata’s tired of confessing, time for Tamamori to pick up the slack. Written for the je100 Halloween Trick or Drabble! Requested by miquilis. Hope you enjoy!
Sorry I would have commented sooner but had a scattered distracting few days. Thank you for writing my prompt Tama having to woo and dote on Miyata for once is very entertaining. I like how he just makes a list in his mind of all the things Miyata does for him and tries to reciprocate.
I do wonder though how long it would have taken him to realize what was up if Nikaido and Senga hadn't told him. Thankfully he got a hint.
“Tama-chan is my favorite person in the whole world!” Miyata yells in their break room and grasping onto Tamamori’s arm as they walk in. and all has returned to normal n__n
Comments 1
I do wonder though how long it would have taken him to realize what was up if Nikaido and Senga hadn't told him. Thankfully he got a hint.
“Tama-chan is my favorite person in the whole world!” Miyata yells in their break room and grasping onto Tamamori’s arm as they walk in. and all has returned to normal n__n
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