Closest red thing to you?: Wendy's cup. Well, part of it is red, anyway.
Last thing to make you angry?: Probably Eric, one of the managers at Wendy's.
Do you have a temper?: Mos def.
Are you a fan of romance?: yeah, I sort of am.
Closest orange thing to you?: actually, nothing around me is orange.
Do you like to burn things?: I really do. I love the smell of fire.
Dress up for Halloween?:!!! I was a hippy this year.
Are you a warm hearted person?: I think I am.
Do you have anything against ginger hair?: No, I like it. I want red hair!
Are you full of energy?: Not right now.
Closest yellow thing to you that's yellow?: Things Fall Apart , Chinua Achebe.
The happiest time[s] of your life?: College, so far. I think things have been slowly getting better since about 6th grade.
Favorite holiday?: Christmas. It's just so...happy.
What makes you smile?: Anja!
Are you a coward?: Yeah...yeah.
Do you burn or tan?: I'm a WASP. I only burn.
Closest green thing to you?: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Do you care about the environment?: I do indeed.
Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Of pretty much everyone who doesn't work in fast food, yeah.
Are you a lucky person?: I actually think I am.
Do you always want what you can't have?: yeah, pretty much.
Do you like being outdoors?: I can't live without sunlight. I think I have SAD or whatever.
Closest blue thing to you: the Wendy's cup again (it wasn't all red).
Are you good at calming people down?: Not really...I suck at that kind of thing.
Do you like the sea?: It smells bad.
Last thing to make you cry?: uhh I don't remember.
Are you a logical thinker?: not really, no.
Can you sleep easily?: Not really, but lately I've been good.
Closest purple thing to you?: I'm tired of these questions. Nothing around me is purple, ok?
Like being treated to expensive things?: yeahh, especially if it's food.
Do you like mysterious things?: yes.
Ever met anyone in royalty?: hah, no.
Are you creative?: sure. Not creative enough the make the answers to this section more interesting, though.
Closest pink thing to you?: well, the carpet is kind of a rusty red. Is that close enough?
Do you like sweet foods?: They will someday be my demise.
Like play-fighting?: eh, not really.
Are you sensitive?: yeah
Closest white thing to you?: papers, hand lotion bottle that some drug company gave to my dad.
Would you say you're innocent?: Nah, not really.
Always try to keep the peace?: I do like the peace.
How do you imagine your wedding?: All I ever really think about is the cake, and who I'd invite. All I know is that I want a gigantic cake with a lot of different layers.
Do you like to play in the snow?: eh, if it's not too wet.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: I used to look forward to dentist and doctors appointments, because they got me out of class. They don't anymore, but I don't have any negative associations with them.
Name the closest black thing to you: the laptop on which I am typing.
Ever enjoy hurting people?: uh, no?
Are you sophisticated or silly?: I'm not really a silly person. I don't know that you could say I'm sophisticated either, but let's go with that.
Afraid of death?: I'm afraid of just ceasing to exist. The whole idea weirds me out. I mean, it's weird to think about no longer being a conscious being.
Would you like to go to space?: Space scares me. no.
Do you have a lot of secrets?: eh, not many.