Due to popular demand (okay, two enablers...and you know who you are!), I am introducing Two-Minute Warning: a multi-fandom fic challenge
1. Clear your schedule for two minutes.
3. Then look under the cut tag, where you will find ten prompts, all of which are book titles (selected at random from my shelves).
4. Choose one of the prompts, and - using any appropriate fandom/character[s] - write.
5. Reply with your teeny weeny story in the comments to this post.
Note: you are on your honor here. Don't look under the cut tag until you're ready to start writing. Feel free to fix the spelling or tidy up the formatting before hitting reply, but the point is to see what people come up with in two minutes (i.e., no multi-chapter epic romances. *g*)
The Prompts
A. Fear of Flying
B. Remembrance of Things Past
C. Nice Work
D. Vanity Fair
E. The Neverending Story
F. Women in Love
G. Persuasion
H. A Distant Mirror
I. Asking for Trouble
J. A Child's Garden of Verses
The winner receives, er...great acclaim from their peers!
(ETA: Okay, I'm going to work and won't be online for the next couple of hours. Have fun!)