(no subject)

Jul 12, 2010 20:06

seven days of arashi meme was proposed on arashicrackaday

still have the seven things about myself i have yet to finish... i'm still working on it.  hard to figure out about myself.  easier to do about others.

Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them.
i want to feed them.  i know weird esp since arashi isn't really the skinny, skinny idols [well compared to a lot of others] but i still want to feed them. 
the mean side of me wants to cook with aiba and nagase would be our souse [??] chef - but of course Leader would be near to take over when we are actually cooking and not just goofing off.  but mostly i want aiba there cuz he can get the others to eat, or at least try to eat, almost anything.  mwahahahahahaha

Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom. (Nino being forever young, Jun's penis, why Sho will fail at 100% all the time...)

the biggest mystery for me is how does aiba get the others to participate in some of his crazy schemes.  i know it's good for camera, but there has to be at one point when aiba was pickling the strawberries when someone spoke out and said, "oh hells no, i'm not eating that"

Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time. (Why not?)

are there naked pictures? i wouldn't know.... *looks up wide-eyed full of innocence*

well since i'm *cough* a naive and innocent girl *cough*, i can only pick the one where they wear the plastic rainwear with just white shorts underneath. never fails to put a smile on my face.  [who thought of dressing the boys like that? i want to know who's the one responsible for this fashion phenom]

Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history. (Do mention if Sho!fail is included.)

... hard to choose...
it's a tie between my first clip of arashi ever [they were on utaban] and aiba's "dainga! berry berry danga!"... or when aiba thinks he speaks perfect english... oh so many good clips...

Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.)
for me or for them?
for me: golden guy makeup, i can pretend i'm a statue
what's the swan?  crap, it's not the yomi swan is it?  please tell me it's not.  if it is i want pictures

Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway?

hmmm... chicken cuz of the haunted house epi where he screamed more than aiba.  physically i'd call him a shrimp. 
would i eat him?  in a totally non-cannabolism sense, i'd make soup stock with him i guess...???

Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area.

um... i dunno... i guess i'll wish something...  i wish arashi would either do a music video like the one [crap i can't remember the name] where the guy and girl strip thru times square almost caught by the police... or they would do a ... um... what could only be called a "goro" moment

utaban, tokio, smap, arashi

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