ooo this was fun... everyone must do it

Aug 20, 2005 00:51

oooo good one Joy. And yes I did let him walk all over me for love. But I have managed to get it right this time finally. hugs

Anyways here is an interesting thing to do... I challenge all my friends to try it

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet angle_slam? through my bf john
2.~What would you do if you had never met randomradiance? evidently not have attended lawrence hs
3.~What do you honestly think of angle_slam? he is a very smart man who has a real interesting sense of humor
4.~Would or did celendor and kaeleyanne go out? no they wouldn't and never have
5.~Have you ever liked fallingsea? as more than a friend? nope sorry. but she is a great lady and i am glad we are friends
6.~If blueberryeyes17 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? that she is a great friend and i love her and will miss her
7.~Would zane224 and collinaraptor make a good couple? heck no... sorry collinaraptor but he is my baby
8.~Describe juniorbabcock in 3 words: dramatic creative ticklish
9.~Do you think spottedwulf is hot? he would freak out if i did
10.~Would blueberryeyes17 and pepbandcutie make a lovely couple? well they are pretty but since they are both girls and not into other girls that i know of
11.~What do you think of when you see kaeleyanne? i think of a smart girl, who has an air of loneliness but has a great capacity to love.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about collinaraptor: hmm she used to have anime porn (tasteful of course) on her dorm door
13.~Do you know any of angle_slam's family members? nope only him but i saw his dad walking down the road once
14.~What's angle_slam's favorite color? um blue? not really sure
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is nehelamite? 9.5... she is uber cute but gotta leave a bit of space to grow you know ... hugs
16.~What would you do if pattiecake just professed their undying love for you? As i am in a relationship... i would be flattered but a little weirded out at the same time and i would feel bad cause i dont' like to hurt anyone and unrequited love hurts alot... been there done that
17.~What language does celendor speak? english... other than that i am not sure... he does a good spike british too
18.~Who is angle_slam going out with? nobody
19.~Is slatterysplaid a boy or a girl? girl
20.~Would angle_slam and pattiecake make a good couple? hmm i think pattiecake is much much too liberal for angle_slam
21.~Who do you think angle_slam would be great with from this list? I would say my friends are too liberal... but collinaraptor and he could have qute a few laughs
22.~When was the last time you talked to spottedwulf? hmm in person? not since may... how sad
23.~What is fallingsea's favorite band? I have no idea sorry hun. I know she likes all kinds of music but in specific i have no idea
24.~Does zane224 have any siblings? yes... 1 and he is a great guy too
25.~Would you ever date angle_slam? I love zane224 way too much to even think of that
26.~Would you ever date juniorbabcock? don't have the right equipment for him so nope
27.~Is angle_slam single? yep
28.~What is angle_slam's last name? I will put the initial incase he doesn't want it announced... H
29.~What is angle_slam's middle name? " ... G
30~What is angle_slam's fantasy? hmm would involve WWF I am pretty sure
31.~Where does slatterysplaid live? skowhegan?
32.~Would you make out with angle_slam? again am taken... so nope
33.~Are randomradiance and angle_slam best friends? i don't think they have even met ever
34.~Does juniorbabcock like angle_slam? yep they are friends
35.~How did you meet angle_slam? through my bf
36.~Is spottedwulf older than you? nope is like a little less than 3 months younger than me
37.~Is pepbandcutie the sexiest person alive? sorry gotta give that one to my baby... zane224.. I might be a little biased
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