This weekend has been rather tough, even though I've done barely anything...
Saturday morning I woke up feeling a bit odd. This then spiralled down into a depressive 'episode' as I call them. I haven't had one in quite awhile, so it scared me. alot. Xin ended up having to look after me even though he was stressed himself and I just feel awful for having asked so much from him continuously... I know he says he doesn't mind but it can't keep going on like this. Bah.
To be honest I mostly remember watching Disney movies and sleeping on Sunday, until Xin had to go to work. I pretty much stopped doing anything for about an hour, just lying there. Then I thought I'd work on my Colour Book - something I came up with. It's basically a little exercise book that I stick pretty pictures in and write things that will hopefully cheer me up in times of trouble (like saturday morning.XD). I also started writing out pretty little things called Good Vibe Notes, which are from this blog here - I used her original design and then tweaked it a little to suit my tastes. I've been writing them out for people who need a little cheering up themselves, and people I admire.
My friend Jane and I went to San Churro's, since she wanted some chocs, so I picked up a couple of treats for Xin for when he got home - milkshakes and some truffles. So want to go back soon. When I'm not having migraines.
Unfortunately I ended up having another migraine on Saturday night (third one of that week).
Sunday morning Xin and I woke up a bit late, so we cooked ourselves breakfast. Then I gave him a japanese lesson to refresh his hiragana. Then we went and got ramen.... which was delicious. I don't really remember much else about Sunday... maybe I fell asleep again...
Today I slept in, and then we went and had a lovely picnic with the lovely
lionheartlily and
It was really nice to get outside and spend some time in the fresh air for once. It really took my mind off of everything else I've been worrying about. So thanks guys. Also, thanks for the great Scrabble tournament!
Okay, so tomorrow is the start of the two day Psych conference. Plus each day comes with an additional Rebel Empire visit in the evening. Going to be a long two days... then the dentist and work on Thursday, and hair dress on Fri. Bah. T_T so tired.