jayfurr has nudged me, so I suppose I should update. :-)
It has been a hectic few weeks in our household; I had two do-or-die projects due on Monday mornings, TDG contracted
Coxsackie virus, and MM had a few days of fever so between the two of us we were stretched to our limit taking care of the kids and occasionally ourselves. However, projects are launched, TDG is mostly recovered (some of the spots on his hands are still healing) and we are all ready for the next crisis. Small children plus two full-time jobs means that life is primarily composed of crises surrounded by occasional lulls, but we do try to enjoy the lulls when they occur!
We spent last weekend in Lenoir with TDG's family. We mostly spent time with his father and sister this trip; I have to say it's fun to hang around with them right now, because they are the only people in the world as willing to talk about my children as I am. :-) (And yes, that includes my mother; although grandmas are stereotypically grandchild-obsessed, my mom does not conform to the stereotype.) SS at five is now a more stereotypical small boy than he used to be, and demonstrated an uncanny ability to cover himself in dirt nearly instantaneously. It was a fun weekend, and I'm not just saying that because I wasn't glued to a laptop the whole time.
We got home to find that our ReplayTV was dead again, but TDG has valiantly managed to resurrect it for yet another run. We've lost all of our shows, but due to the writer's strike we didn't have as much on it as we ordinarily might. Our house is fairly squalid but I'm pretending not to notice.
Let's see, since the last update my international dinners included Thursday Night Pea Soup and Pancakes from Sweden and an asparagus soup from Georgia. Other than that, what with the sickness and the work and everything, we did a lot of easy suppers like scrambled eggs, roast chicken from the store, and Hamburger Helper, intermixed with other easy things. I did make chicken and artichokes in there somewhere, and the shrimp and grits, but I've mostly been punting. Tonight I intend to make fish chowder but let's see how it goes.