· WHO: Gibbs (
semper_fi_agent) and Reno (
· WHAT: Gibbs doesn't like phones. Especially not cellphones. So he demanded politely requested that he and Reno meet face to face.
· WHERE: By the front door.
· WHEN: November 28, after
· HOW: On-going; closed.
[Locked in a house. Was he really locked in a house? It almost sounded like something DiNozzo would pull- except that it didn't, not at all. And if there'd been any question of this being a prank, it disappeared the instant Gibbs' gun was taken.
So... why hadn't NCIS knocked down the door yet?
Then there was the odd little cell phone, and the people he'd spoken to, who were supposedly trapped in here with him, and who had said some very strange things.
Too many questions, not enough answers. Hopefully this Reno character would have some of those. True or not, any information was better than none at all. Right now, Gibbs didn't even have lies.
He slipped down to the end of the hall and stood partly under the stairs, where he could see the whole room from the cover of the shadows.
Fingers tracing the shape of his empty holster, Gibbs waited.]