Toph: Holiday Storage Room (0) > Kitchen (1)
There is something hidden in this room. Would you like to attempt a Knowledge roll to find it?
5+ You find the object
2-4 You get the feeling there's something there but can't find it
0-1 You don't realise there is an object at all
Tifa: Library (0) -> Billiards Room (1) -> Cabinet of Curiosity (2)
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Comments 11
Character Name: Toph
Character Journal: melonlordpwns
→ Speed: 2
→ Might: 2 (+1 on solid ground)
→ Sanity: 3
→ Knowledge: 6
Where did your turn end last time? Kitchen
Suggested Path: Kitchen (0) > Patio (1)
Are you carrying a weapon? Nope.
2-4 You get the feeling there's something there but can't find it
Character Journal: fightforastar
→ Speed: 3
→ Might: 5
→ Sanity: 3
→ Knowledge: 7
Where did your turn end last time? Cabinet of Curiosity
Suggested Path: Cabinet of Curiosity (0) > Billiards Room (1) > Library (2) > Upstairs Hallway (3)
Are you carrying a weapon? Nope
Character Journal: besomeothername
→ Speed: 5
→ Might: 6
→ Sanity: 2
→ Knowledge: 6
Where did your turn end last time? Basement Pool
Suggested Path: Basement pool (0) -> Furnace room (1) -> stairs (2)
Are you carrying a weapon? Nada
Character Journal: crystal_type
→ Speed: 4
→ Might: 4
→ Sanity: 5
→ Knowledge: 3
Where did your turn end last time? Panic Room
Suggested Path: Panic Room (0) -> Upstairs Hallway (1) -> Main Hallway (2) -> Basement Stairs (3) -> Furnace Room (4)
Are you carrying a weapon?
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