20 questions meme

Jan 24, 2010 23:57

01. Full name: Percival Fraulein
02. Best friend: Borus Redrum who is... back at home. I'd say that ZEX is his in-camp best friend though.
03. Sexuality: Haha, I could probably essay on this. Bisexual with extremely heavy female leanings.
04. Favorite colour: Red.
05. Relationship status: Taken.
06. Ideal mate: Someone intelligent, charismatic, strong (in character, for the most part), and capable of seeing him as more than just one of the Six Mighty Zexen Knights.
07. Turn-ons: Getting ordered around just a bit. White/silver hair? :|a
08. Last sexual experience: ...before he came to camp. :( Unless getting ruled counts, in which case... a few weeks back.
09. Favorite food: Down-to-earth cooking.
10. Crushes: Chris Lightfellow.
11. Favorite music: ...Chamber music.
12. Biggest fear: Being unable to protect those he cares for or the Zexen Federation.
13. Biggest fantasy: ...Getting married to Chris? IDK?
14. Quirks in bed: Likes to please his partner! ...Yes!
15. Bad habits: Being too informal with his superiors and flirting. A lot.
16. Biggest regret: Not being able to always be there for his fellow knights.
17. Best kept secrets: ...How many ladies he's slept with? IDK.
18. Last thought: That was an entertaining read.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Taking Chris on a "date" and having his spoiler spoilered. :|
20. Biggest insecurity: Um... Not being seen for who he really is, instead of a knight? Something.

01. Full name: Dominic Sorel
02. Best friend: ...uh. No one?
03. Sexuality: Straight. (read: Anemone-sexual)
04. Favorite colour: Green.
05. Relationship status: Rejected. :(
06. Ideal mate: Pink-haired tsundere who loves jam, pilots a robot called theEND, has a name that starts with A and ends with -nemone.
07. Turn-ons: Compliments from his beloved?
08. Last sexual experience: HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
09. Favorite food: I'm coming up with mashed potatoes, and I don't know why. :|
10. Crushes: Anemone.
11. Favorite music: ...Techno/electronica.
12. Biggest fear: Losing Anemone or Anemone dying.
14. Quirks in bed: Not that he's had any chance to demonstrate this, but he's very awkward and unsure. Maddeningly so. Dominic probably would ask too many questions about what's okay to do and not.
15. Bad habits: Getting lost, taking flying craft without permission, following orders too closely when he really shouldn't be from a moral and ethical standpoint, and... doing things that upset Anemone.
16. Biggest regret: Not doing more for Anemone.
17. Best kept secrets: His past?
18. Last thought: There's more aluminum in there than I originally thought.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Getting rejected by Anemone.
20. Biggest insecurity: Not being good enough to help/save Anemone.

01. Full name: Kamiyama Itsuki.
02. Best friend: He probably claims that one of the unnamed guys he's seen with is, but in truth, none.
03. Sexuality: Asexual, unless you let him do Terrible Things to you, in which case, pansexual. >_>
04. Favorite colour: White.
05. Relationship status: Single.
06. Ideal mate: ...A bloody and probably dead one?
07. Turn-ons: Blood and gore.
08. Last sexual experience: H-haha, no.
09. Favorite food: Noodles.
10. Crushes: Morino, in a really weird, twisted, can-I-kill-you sort of way.
11. Favorite music: He keeps up with pop music, but I doubt he cares for it.
12. Biggest fear: Being completely and utterly exposed for what he really is.
13. Biggest fantasy: Currently, I imagine it'd be killing Morino.
14. Quirks in bed: I'd imagine it'd be something like trying to stab you, strangle you, or... things along that line.
15. Bad habits: ...Killing and stalking people. Not notifying the police about strange and suspicious activity.
16. Biggest regret: Coming to a place where people don't stay dead. :(
17. Best kept secrets: ...Just about everything.
18. Last thought: I'm thirsty.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Um. No.
20. Biggest insecurity: Possibly not getting to kill Morino before someone else does? IDK.

meme, !ooc

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