Title: Chuck vs. The Checkmate
Author: Meg /
juniperlane /
betternovembersRating: PG
Warnings: None! Set mid-S3 for Big Bang Theory, early S3 for Chuck.
Pairing: vague Chuck/Sarah, Leonard/Penny, mostly gen.
Summary: Chuck is good with lasers. Really, really good.
Word Count: 2018
Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, and Dr. Horrible do not belong to me.
Notes: For
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Comments 50
Awwww Leonard has found another bromance! :D
AHAHA, yeah, I am slightly amused with how taken Leonard is with Chuck. Not that I blame him.
Long time lurker, first time commenter, got a new LJ and everything.
I love this story.
It's inconceivably brilliant.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading and leaving such lovely feedback!
Chuck doing the handspin and then pwning Sheldon with his dexterity was so much win. :D And yay! Leonard wasn't a joke for the most part except for the bits of jealously popping up, but it was within his character so it worked.
I try to be 110% fair to Leonard at all times, since I do sort of love him. But to be fair, I think he wants Chuck all to himself :D
Cheers :)
So I just got into Chuck a little while ago and I had this recced at me from all sides, AND I SEE WHY. Can we have more of this? Pleasepleasepleaseplease? The the the chess and Chuck and Sheldon and the characters and basically ALL OF IT. I can't describe.
Oh god would I have loved to have read Sarah kick all their asses at this.
And I want to know what Penny and Sarah were talking about.
And ahahahaha the Casey cameo, oh, I love him <33333333333333
I have left it open for a sequel. Lord knows when/if I'll get there, but know that the possibility is there.
Pasadena and Burbank are so relatively close! Is all I am saying :)
This is. This is fantastic. Amazing. Hilarious. Perfect. AWESOME!
Speaking of, I would be all for a sequel. Definitely. There needs to be a sequel. And it needs to have Captain Awesome in it. Just saying.
Also, I now can't stop picturing notdead!Bryce in the guy's apartment, making Penny fall in love with him (and the TBBT guys insanely jealous) and insulting Sheldon back in Klingon and just in general being cooler than everyone (except Chuck, who will never be replaced in my heart).
So, in summary, lol. And thanks for writing this.
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