It's that time of year. This week, I'm going to be scarce.
Today: research paper due in Survery of British Literature I.
Tomorrow: experimental data due for Memory and Cognition.
Wednesday: review sheets for Research Methods in Psych and a blog post on a book I haven't started for British Novel due; along with a huge midterm in Brit Lit (though midterms were last week).
Thursday: Possibly a Int. Spanish exam (though I'm not sure) but definitely a Spanish composition due.
Friday: Exam in Methods and Midterm paper for Brit Lit due. Plus my mom, my three sisters that don't live here and my nephew are coming up.
Saturday: My sister's surprise 40th Birthday Party. So it's a full day of shopping with my mom and the other sisters, then decorating/set up/ tracking down the freaking DJ, and then partying it up down home style. ;)
Plus somewhere in all that mess: I have to get more decorations and get some things for the party blown up and framed.
And I'm hoping to get a jump start on an Observation project for Methods which involves an hour of observation at two different times of day in two different places, respectively. (it's not due until the 2nd, but I'd like to at least get the research notes and diagrams done so the paper is cake).
Now that I have my list down....the long and short of it is....if you notice me like replying/posting religiously....YELL AT ME. Or something. I really shouldn't be around much.
♥Chrissy &c.&c.