So this is for my girl Rox-a-lot (
knuckle_dusters) who is mourning the loss of her beloved lip ring. I, myself, have gone through similar agony with the loss of my own is for Roxy!
BAM! Bustin out with the double shocker!
Eeeehhhhhh this could hurt :x
this is some serious shocker.
WATCH OUT! I'm ready to draw my double shocker!
Note: this is sort of an inside joke with the two of us. :)
[EDIT] Ok so I decided that while I was at it, I should take more pix for my site. So I did, I posted them in my
gallery. But I'm going to post them here too...only this time I'm going to use CAPTIONS! WOW!
the hat is on and we're ready to go...
(there's my truth tattoo :) )
holla if you like the shocka!
wait don't look!
what are these and how did they get there?