(no subject)

Feb 09, 2004 20:16

Big thanks to bottledchi for relieving my boredom!

Start time: 7:47pm

_______Your Life_______
[x] they call me: claire aka "the asian"
[x] sex: vagina
[x] my first breath of air: don't know. it's assumed that it's feb. 22
[x] status: in lust
[x] occupation: being asian (bwahahaha)
[x] best friend: I don't have just one! So I'll say Amber, Kelly and Roxy :)

[x] most memorable memory: backstage of warped 02 i suppose.
[x] worst?: uhhh i don't know yet. i'll get back to you on this one.
[x] first word uttered: i have no idea. all i know is that i didn't talk for a while because i couldn't decide which to speak - french or english. I ultimately started speaking french.
[x] first best friend ever!?: Maya.

[x] love is: great while it lasts.
[x] first love: Ryan.
[x] love or lust?: very much love
[x] best love song: oh I don't know...Everything by Lifehouse is hot though :P
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time? I think so, but there's different love. Like, love for family and love for your lover haha.
[x] when love hurts, you: want to cry and die.
[x] true or false: all you need is love: false. love doesn't put food on the table.or something. <--haha good one Mariza!
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: i think there is attraction at first sight.

_______Opposite Sex_______
[x] turn ons: killer smile, eyes to die for, sense of humor, the ability to sing :P [x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: in the long run no. but it would be good to know that my mother approved of him.
[x] what kinda hair style?: i don't know...how about i just say that i don't really go for the bald guy.
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: be true (is that corny enough?)
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: I don't really go out to meet people.
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: i never "HOLLER" and keep a straight face. But seriously, usually not.

_______Picky Picky_______
[x] dog or cat: cat
[x] short or long hair: long
[x] sunshine or rain: sunshine
[x] moon or sun: moon
[x] hugs or kisses: i like a good hug. and a kiss is nice from time to time.
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend.
[x] summer or winter: summer - fuck that snow shit.
[x] written letters or e-mails: emails are probably more practical but i like to get snail mail too :)
[x] playstation or nintendo: either? is that not kosher?
[x] car or motorcycle: car
[x] house party or club: house party
[x] sing or dance: dance
[x] freak or slow dance: depends on who i'm dancing with :)

[x] how are you today? awesome.
[x] what pants are you wearing right now? white "Got Milk?" boxers
[x] what shirt are you wearing right now? navy blue shirt
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment? clean and straight (just showered and dried it).
[x] what song are u listening to right now? Something Corporate - Watch the Sky
[x] how is the weather right now? cool
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? a woman at the credit union regarding my account.
[x] who are you talking to right now? no one.
[x] what time is it? 8:00pm

_______More About YOU!_______
[x] what are the last four digits of your phone number? 6661 (i know, isn't that wrong!?)
[x] if u were a crayon, what color would you be? why the hell would i want to be a crayon?
[x] have you ever almost died? no [x] do u like the person that sent u this? she didn't send this to me...but i fucking hate her guts!! Just kidding...I LOVE YOU!
[x] what's the next CD you are going to buy? i have so many that i want to buy. i've burned a few but i really want to go out and BUY the CDs. (The quality of sound is better, and of course you need to support the band!)
[x] whats the best advice ever given to you? you need to do what's best for you.
[x] have u ever won any special award? I've gotten some school awards...but other than that i don't think so...although i DID get that grammy...j.k :)
[x] what's the stupidest thing u have ever done? believed that if that's the way they did it, that's the way I should do it.
[x] how many kids do you want to have? no more than 2
[x] son's name? haven't thought about it.
[x] daughter's name? i've never been one to name my unborn children, but the other day i just decided on Mary Elizabeth. Mary after my mom, but she'll go by Elizabeth/Liz NO LIZZY!
[x] shampoo? I'm currently using Redken or something.
[x] what are you most scared of? dying.
[x] how many TV's do you have in your house? 1
[x] do you have your own TV? not here.
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? I've sprained my ankle pretty badly once.
[x] who do you dream about? we'll keep that between me and roxy lol.
[x] who do you tell your dreams to? roxy...and sometimes others.
[x] who's the loudest friend you have? Amber probably haha
[x] who's the quietest friend? Kelly is quiet! but when she talks, she funny :)
[x] is cheerleading a sport? shit, i wouldn't want to be thrown around like a ragdoll!
[x] how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? i counted once, but i don't remember.

_______You And Love_______
[x] do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? not at the moment. ;)
[x] where would you like to go on your honeymoon? wherever he wants to go
[x] what do you like most of the opposite sex? a certain piece of anatomy...I'm JOKING!
[x] do you find yourself attractive? i'm ok.
[x] do others find you attractive? sometimes.

_______Have You Ever..._______
[x] gotten dumped?: uh YEA.
[x] broke the law?: yea i guess.
[x] ran from the cops?: no
[x] stole something?: yes - i went through a mild clepto phase lol
[x] made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Oh yea, that shit sometimes works with speeding tickets :)

End time: 8:13pm
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