I'm reading an article about protecting your fertility... No, I'm not planning on having kids any time soon... but I would like to have my own kids when the time comes. The article recommends a BMI of between 20 and 25 to maintain fertility... So I calculated mine and I'm actually a little below 20! I feel thin... I guess that could be a double
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So ready to come home. Lots of young couples around. Come home tomorrow though. Jason's not responding to my emails so I don't know if he's gotten my flight info or not. We convinced the parents not to change to a later flight so that we can get home earlier. Means getting up at 4:30 though.
No, not really. Just bye bye United States for a week and a half... Off to England! Sadly without Jason. But oddly enough with gonetosaturn is going too! Not the same itinerary, but possibly the same flight!
I got Christmas cards today! And sweets! And an adorable penguin tin! I'm not lazy folks, I'm just planning on sending cards from England!
Mallory, both Matthew and my mother thought say that we have the same handwriting! They both thought that I was sending myself a present at first glance!
Authority Zero show last night!!!! Oh my god so awesome. More vodka than expected (since I was expecting no drinking). Very good company. Awesome music, awesome show. So much fun, as I've said so much in the past 20 hours. Bought a shirt. Got it autographed by a sweaty longhaired singer. So much fun!
My computer died. Week before finals. The day before I have 2 final papers due. It took 2 partially written final papers with it. Fucking piece of shit.
I'd ask for an extension on the first one, but I've turned all the other papers in late, some how I doubt that would go over well.