*General Info*
[x] Name= amanda louise gary
[x] Birth date= 08/23
[x] Who’s your daddy= bobby
[x] Your mama= phyllis
[x] Brah (bro’s, sista’s)= mason.scott.jean.mike.davey.kristal(basically)
[x] Ethnicity= french
[x] Height= 5'4"
[x] Eye color= green-blue
[x] Hair color= dark ash brown/maroon/black
[x] What do your parents do of a living= drug dealas like some PIMPS
[x] Where were you born= laval, PQ, canananananada
[x] How long was your mom in labor= 2 seconds. i was a mistake and just popped outta no where
[x] Good childhood= nopei grew up with 5 boys, whatd yyou think?
[x] What are some family traditions= gay ones
[x] Broken any bones= cheek bone, both ancles/legs, wrist, nose, ribs, knee cap
[x] Allergic to anything= silver
[x] Blood type= some weird shit. the odd one
[x] Zodiac sign= VIRGO
[x] Braces, Retainer= nope nope nope. i put amys in when i was a kid haha. it was gross.
[x] When did you lose your baby teeth= i dont know
[x] When did you lose the last one= i dont know
[x] Favorite food= chinese/chicken/double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds.
[x] Favorite color= pink,black
[x] First word= damnit
[x] First time you fell in love= i never have "fallen" in love.. yet.
Random as can be...
[x] If you could relive one moment in life, what would it be= dear god. my first summer with the boys of S.F./my first summer in the states/ dear god that whole summer. =D
[x] Who is the most important person in your life= my mom, my brother scott and my bestest friend
[x] What does music mean to you= everything and more.
[x] What do you want to do for a career= criminal psycologist
[x] Did you go to college/are going now/or want to go= LSU or Art Institute of Houston.
[x] Ever done drugs= no way, not me....
[x] Ever had a near death experience? yes
[x] Ever kissed a cousin= no
[x] Who was your first kiss= My dearest Keira. Yeah, it was a chick, so what?
[x] Who was your first b/f, g/f= umm ryan
[x] What does HXC mean= hardxcore, hornyxchild
[x] Do you like cereal= yes
[x] What’s your favorite kind= apple jacks, cherie ohs, fruity pebbles
[x] Would you eat it from my crotch= no
[x] What time is it= 156 am
[x] What language would you like to know how to speak= chinese so i could understand what the fuck those bitches are sayin
[x] If you could go to any place in the world, where would it be= cambodia or back to canada or sweden
[x] Could you curb stomp someone= what the hell is that?
[x] Are you SXE= ew. no.
[x] If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be= a penguin
[x] Do you think your scene= not in the least
[x] Do you know what scene is, if so what is it= who ever you hang out with. certain type of people.
[x] Have you ever shot milk out your nose= nope, coke though.
[x] What do you think about war= pointless
[x] What would you do if a 6ft rabbit came and woke you up in the middle of the night, asked you to follow him and then told you the world was going to end= kick the shit out of him. and go back to sleep
[x] Would you ever beat up your friends, just for the chance to get into a sold out concert, of your favorite band= psh yeah. i could take them all on
[x] Briefs, Boxers, Panties, or a Thong= Panties and thongs.
[x] Have you ever masturbated= NOOO
[x] What have you masturbated to= nothing
[x] Do you own a knife= yeah a few. because im a fuckin gangsta
[x] Where do you shop (clothes, food, things, etc)= wal mart, american eagle, a&f, buckle, pac sun,
[x] Do you give money to bums= nope
[x] What turns you on= biting, talking in my ear/biting my ear, kissing my shoulders
[x] Do you like slumber parties= yes of course with boys and girls
[x] Do you enjoy the occasional pillow fight= no i got in a real fight with my cousin when we had a pillow fight 10 years ago haha
[x] If you could kiss one of your friends, without the consequences afterward, who would you kiss= psh every damn one of them. hahaha.
[x] Do you believe in Heaven and/or Hell= kinda sorta in a way not so much.
[x] Would you take it up the ass for heroin= ew. no
[x] Have you ever been brain washed= by my ex boyfriend, to think everything i liked sucked and that i was ugly without him and couldnt make it without him
[x] Where do you sleep at night= in my bed, on the couch
[x] What do you think about before you fall asleep= whatever song i am listening to, whoever i am sleeping next to, whatever tomorrow may hold.
[x] Do you have a bed time ritual= brush my teeth, turn off the tv and on the cd player and go to sleep basically.
[x] What’s the most recent dream you can remember= nightmare
[x] What are the first lyrics that pop into your head, about night= its as if the ocean swallowed the city lights we fell in love with. paralyzed and paranoide we withdraw the hands we held, this is beginning to get ugly dear- the bled
^^i totally agree kendall
[x] Name everyone you’ve kissed= keira, daniel, josh, taylor, ryan, matt, brooks, brandt, justin, corey, scott, jon, sam, gary
[x] Could you be happy in the same-sex relationship= Nope
[x] Are you good at truth or dare= haha i love that game and fucking rule at it. Since I DID run outside naked when i was 11 or so.
[x] What does the word “faith” mean to you= believing in something you cant see nor actually feel with touch. but feel inside. trusting.
[x] What’s the Latin root word for “revere”= i dont know..
[x] Do you like grapes= yes
[x] What’s your favorite animal= penguin or monkey
[x] 3 things that make you cry= boys, shots and losing people i love
[x] How many times do you have to call Pizza Hut, to get a Hott delivery guy= 0
[x] Does Oxy clean really fuck you up= never heard it does..
[x] Did Godzilla really do it= nope
[x] Where in the world is Carmen San Diego= In your ass.
[x] Do you believe in the tooth fairy= nope
[x] Did your parents ever tell you to put your teeth under your pillow at night= nope
[x] Do you know what the song “Puff the magic dragon” is really about= freakin weed man.. weed..
[x] What’s your favorite nursery rhyme= i dont know
[x] Do you play any instruments, if so what= piano for hmm 10 years and someone needs to help me with guitar.
[x] Do you wanna live forever, baby= you cant kill a champ.
For or Against.....
[x] Abortion= against
[x] Equal rights= for
[x] Taxes= against
[x] Death sentence= for
[x] Intermediate licenses= for
[x] Prostitution= against
[x] Drug dealing= for
[x] Feeding the needy= for
[x] Adoption= for
[x] Drinking= for
[x] Smoking= against/for
[x] Gambling= for
[x] Pre-marital sex= for
[x] Legalizing marijuana= FOR
[x] Masturbation= i rather have sex
[x] Name calling= for mother fucker
[x] School patrol= against
[x] Handicapped parking= for. but they only need like 2 on every row if that much.
[x] Brail on ATM’s= wtf i didnt know they even had that
[x] Terrorism= against
[x] Stealing= depends on wat your stealing
[x] Uniforms= against
[x] War= against
[x] Our Government= against