So probably four or five days out of the week, Rosette will be wearing her
nun's habit; she has a few of these to change into. Since she's been away from the Order for so long, she's taken to leaving the headdress off but otherwise keeps everything as shown in the picture (e.g. boots, gloves). In this case, she packs a couple of guns right on her side. However, the rest of the week, she opts for more
casual clothes. Usually, this means a light-colored blouse or sweater, a long skirt with leggings, and boots. In this case, she still packs a gun or two; they're just strapped to her thigh. Only on special occasions will she
dress up. Last but certainly not least, she always has the pocketwatch around her neck.
Rosette is 162cm (5'4"), and is slender without being delicate. She's about a C cup, so she doesn't boast unbelievable proportions but is still curvy and well-built. Her hair is blonde and a little past shoulder-length, and is tied up in the two semi-pigtails except when she's sleeping or on very rare occasions. She wears light make-up most days. Also, her eyes are blue and otherwise unremarkable.
Habits/mannerisms/body language:
Rosette speaks confidently and naturally most of the time, with a tendency to make short remarks with even more emphasis (!). She is by no means quiet, but she isn't exactly yelling all the time either. Instead, she channels a lot of her energy through body language; in conversations she is almost always gesturing, putting a hand to her hip, tapping her foot, putting a hand through her hair, or anything similar. If she's feels comfortable with the person she's speaking to, she has few inhibitions about physical contact. As I said on the serious poll, "be it hair ruffles, playing with hair, headpats, pokes, prods, smacks, hits, kicks, noogies, punches, shoves, face-pulling, dragging"... it really all works for her. She will only hug, lean, or cling to people closer to her, and very rarely touches other people's hands :< I usually put any actions [like so].
Also, Rosette is a mood-swinging MASTER. One minute she can be bonking you over the head, and the next she can be "oh hay 'sup :D". Her expressions generally reflect her mood: if she's happy she's smiling, if she's angry she's SCOWLING, and so on. Except when she's depressed; in that case, she still tries to smile but ends up with an expression that just does not fit her normal personality (thus it's easy to tell when something's wrong).
Current Residence:
Girl's Cabin Five
Typical Daily Routine:
Will gladly sleep until ten or eleven, unless someone comes to wake her up earlier. This isn't easy; in canon, she has to be shoved out of a window and into a pond before she wakes up. Anyway, after waking up, she will stagger to her feet and go to clean up. She may or may not fall asleep in the middle of her shower or brushing her teeth. When that's all done, she'll change into her clothes for the day, take care of hair and make-up, and go to get something to eat. And then may fall asleep at breakfast again, o Rosette.
Throughout the day, she usually opts to hang out with her friends but doesn't mind making casual conversation with other people in camp. Generally, she and Chrno are not too far off from one another at any given time because lol partners. She pops into the woods to practice her shooting every day or every other day (depending on how she feels), and takes long walks around camp. Flopping on the grass and taking a nap is always A+ too. She rarely skips meals. Finally, she probably aims to go bed around 10pm or 11pm, although she can and DOES often stay up much later.
Favourite Haunts:
Mess Hall, the woods, the smack dab in the middle of camp, the chapel (at least sometimes), her cabin.
Does she make her own bed?: