06/06/2010: edited for public posting.
Title: Like Worlds Collapsing
Author: Jay (bewarethespork)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings (in order of appearance): Eleven/Amy
Rating: R
Spoilers: S05E01-S05E05
Warnings: Dubcon
Disclaimer: These are not the copyright holders you are looking for.
Author’s Notes/Summary: There are advantages to giving
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Comments 33
This was good. This was really really good. My only concern was that the con wasn't quite as dub as I had expected, given how the Doctor turns the situation into his own sort of manipulation-judo.
Other than that, this was EXACTLY what I was expecting and I hope exactly what you wanted to produce!
It is the thing I do best!
You have no idea how much I aaaaaangsted over the dubcon thing, but then the manipulation plot bunny crash-tackled me and I had to go with it because it was the only way my muses would let me move the story forward. I was stuck in an endless smut loop otherwise. (This is like a time loop, except that whenever you try to keep writing, you type another line of smut that is basically repeating everything you just typed.)
I am glad you liked it! I was all angsty because you were excited for it and I was worried that it wouldn't meet your expectations at all, but it looks like my worries were groundless.
I've had the smut loop problem before, which is one reason why I can't write a sex scene that lasts for more than a page (the others, of course, are inexperience and writerly prudishness).
That said, I think that if I do ever post this publically, I'll try to revise it and add a bit more of a dubcon spin to it. Since last night, my brain has been mentally rewriting lines for me.
Smut loops are the reason I don't write smut much. Like, I can write PWP or whatever, but I worry that it just gets repetitive and boring. Plots are much more fun.
This is really dark, well done. :p I don't think it puts a very sympathetic spin on either of them since Eleven goes from "NO" to "WELL OKAY I'LL JUST USE YOU BACK" pretty quickly. Kind of puts the "dub con" into a bit of a spin because I'm not entirely sure who is using who more.
I'm glad you liked it! I'm going to read yours when I get home from class today. :)
*adds to memories*
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