I had an amazing dream last night. It was one of those dreams that lingers in your mind days after you've actually dreamed it, like the warmth that radiates off your skin after you've basked in the sun. I describe it like that because that's what if felt like when I woke up, like I'd just come in from a beautiful day in the sun. Its brought me a
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Comments 2
I think you're discovering yourself more and more each day, and I'm glad that, when you wrote this, you were feeling blissful in the process.
I felt angry at men after my experience with the church. How dare they ask us to serve them? The thing is, there are so many wonderful men out there who treat women like people. Don't lose hope.
I read your entry recently about your cousin. I'm so sorry for your loss Lena. My prayers and well wishes are with you and your family always.
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