Ratings are calculated based on peeps with a Nielson box. So me or you or the majority of fans, what we turn on our TV doesn't matter.
"There are only 25,000 total American households that participate in the Nielsen daily metered system.[12] The number of U.S. television households as of 2009 is 114,500,000.[13] As a result, the total number of Nielsen homes only amounts to 0.02183% of the total American television households, meaning that 99.97817% of American households have no input at all into what is actually being watched."
Maybe your right but it couldn't hurt. Also, I am one of the Nielson family. I received a letter and I put our boys on top of my list. Hee Hee Hee. I hope it help them.
Cool! :) Your actually the first SPN fan I know of that is one. *hugs* Congrats! And Whooo! The boys do deserve it... frankly I think the Nielson system is extremely skewed and if they kept track someone through cable boxes things would be MUCH different (it's been said that would be difficult because cable boxes don't turn off).
You think it will help our boys. I hope so. I feel like I am doing my little bit to help them. I wish I could do more. That why I left my post on my journal.
Comments 4
"There are only 25,000 total American households that participate in the Nielsen daily metered system.[12] The number of U.S. television households as of 2009 is 114,500,000.[13] As a result, the total number of Nielsen homes only amounts to 0.02183% of the total American television households, meaning that 99.97817% of American households have no input at all into what is actually being watched."
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