Title: Genius
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: NC-17
Length: Twoshot (1/2)
Summary: I, Kim Jaejoong, am awesome. And handsome and clever and charming and witty and cute and so on and so forth. Somehow, this led to my female housemates thinking that I'm gay. And somehow, this led to me being set up with a guy. I know, I know, I can hardly believe it myself
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Comments 190
-coughs- LOL okay okay, I admit defeat. if you ever give me the honour of want me to beta again, there will not be a single mistake by the time I'm done. LOLOL XD
ONTO MY EPIC COMMENT THAT IS EPIC-ER THAN JUNSU'S ASS. ;DD (okay, that's a lie ahahahah)
I’d probably be angrier if he didn’t look so happy whilst smiling… Stupid smiley happy guy. Hmph.OHHH MYY~~~ jae's so cute ahahah :DD no one can resist the charm of U KNOW WHO 8D haahha ( ... )
Indeed, how could anyone resist Yunho? >:D Certainly not gay!Jae~
Lololol, now you's da psychic one XD But not O.o But whatever! ^_^
I'm glad you like their personalities~ ^_^ I loved writing narcissist!Jae so so much ♥ He does remind me of you, but he actually believes everything he says XD (Not that you're not awesome, dear~)
HOMG I LOVE THE REMIX ♥ It's so awesome~ I'ma go sing SHINee in karaoke today and I'll be thinking of it and you~ (Cept singing SHINee is hard, coz I can't read korean that quickly D: HOMG COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT WHATEVER! In karaoke before, some of the DBSK songs were the Heart, Mind and Soul concert versions and they had the video from the concert! :D It was OSM! XD)
Diolch yn fawr!! ^w^ No no no, getting fourth is epically awesome! ^__^ I'm so happyyyyy XDDD I wanna read the other fics!! *w* But thank you for being Bex!biased ♥ I dunno why I crossed out true feelings either, but crossing ( ... )
btw did you submit both shots? because i'm curious to know whether you added smut to this ;DDD *wink wink* LOL!!~ anyway that was effin hilarious and i enjoyed it very much xD please update the next one soon!!~~<333
I know, them girls did good, setting YunJae up XD They're obviously smarter than Jaejoong gives them credit for :P
I did submit both bits ^_^ And maaaybe I added smut, maaaybe I didn't~ ;P But if you really want to know, just look at the rating XD
I'm really glad you enjoyed it! ^_^ I'll post the next bit tomorrow, and hopefully you'll enjoy that too! :D
Thanks so much for commenting ^_^
hope to see that very soon from you~xD
you're awesome
SPOT! ^____^
feel like reading his diary about he was being a incredibly straight and about yunho~
yunho was so sweet to him~ :3
can't wait to read part 2 >w<
Narcissistic!Jae is fun to write XD I'm really glad you liked him! ^_^
Yunho's lovely ♥ Who could stay straight in the face of such epic Yunho-ness? XD
I hope you enjoy the second part! ^_^ Thank you so much for commenting :D
btw,congrats for winning the 4th place hun~ ^^
okaaaayyyy~~ i already ♥ this!!!
Oh God!! jaejoongie~~ you're so clueless..
and you said that you're genious?? LOOOL
when you don't even know that you already interested in Yunho...
He he, I'm glad you like it XDD
Yeah, Jaejoong's not as clever as he likes to think he is~ :P
Thank you for commenting :D
this narcissist jaejoong. somehow i like his character.
and he is the right one for yunho, he just need to realize it.
I'm glad you like narcissist!Jae! :D I really liked writing him, he he XD
He is indeed right for Yunho~ Coz YunJae rocks X3
Thank you for commenting! ^_^
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