Title: Bait Bus - First Seduction
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: NC-17
Length: Twoshot
Summary: Where unsuspecting men are lured into a van by a beautiful girl, only to be offered an interesting opportunity with an even more beautiful boy…
Disclaimery A/N: This is based off the porn site "Bait Bus". I admit, I stole their idea and used it for my own
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Comments 161
why jae do this?
i want best explanation on the next chapter XDD
update soon X33
Um, he was bored? Oooor, it pays well? Lol, unlikely. He's an exhibitionist?
CHANGMIN FORCED HIM! Yes, that's the reason *nods* Changmin blackmailed him, with pictures of a drunk Jaejoong in girl's underwear -.- *nods* Jaejoong, distraught, agreed to become a part of the Bait Bus and had been having sex with 'straight' guys on camera ever since -.- That is, until our heroic Leader-shii came along and saved him~! XD Now they live together happily in Yunho's wonderful house, where they only ever have sex on camera in order to watch it whilst they have more sex later :)
But there's no Yunjae in the next bit sorry T_____T But because of this, assume that all is going well for them! XD No Jaejoong in the Bait Bus means Jaejoong in Yunho's bed! :D
I shall indeed try to update soooon! ^w^
Thanks for commenting! :D
yes yes, that could be a great reason! changmin blackmailing him XDDD
so there's no smut in the next chapter? :(
i want yunjae smut khe khe
See, when I thought of this I couldn't decide whether or not to do a Yoosu version or a Yunjae version... So I chose both, 'cause I'm greedy like that XD
It won't be exactly the same though, obviously, because that would be boring~
I promise that the next Yunjae smut I write I shall dedicate to you! ^w^
Changmin's evil clever enough to blackmail someone like that, me thinks~ And I bet Jaejoong still has to send him all of the Yunjae sex tapes to keep him happy...
but i just wish the story continued to yunjae being together, keke
and i was curious as to what jae felt with all this, a good sequel would've been in jae's POV (:
oh well, this was such an interesting fic! great job bb!
I didn't even think of doing one from Jaejoong's POV T_____T I'm sorry... But please just assume that they lived together happily ever after! :D (Coz they're Yunjae, and that's what they do~)
Thank you so much for commenting ^w^
I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Thanks for commenting! :D
Love this one! Thanks for the hard work!
Um, which plot would you like me to share? O.o Sorry, I get confused easily ^_^"
I'm glad you liked it! :D Thank you for commenting! ^_^
especially changmin
but they still trick ynho
I know, I felt sorry for Yunho T___T But he got his Joongie in the end~ :3
Thanks for commenting! :D
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